Mack27 wrote:
If you read the judge's recommendation it wouldn't take Xboxes off the shelves, it would prevent them from being imported. If I was Microsoft and the judgement happened I'd simply import parts and assemble them in the US to circumvent the ruling. There are plenty of assembly lines not moving right now that could be used.
That would work temporarily until Motorola decides to purchase an injunction forbidding the manufacture of X-boxes in addition to the importing of them. However, there is a loophole that would work very well. Microsoft can manufacture or import the X-box without the patented feature and help or encourage an outsider to come up with an easy way for the consumer to add the desired feature. Such is the case with Microsoft Windows 8 not including the ability to play Hollywood DVD movies (which Linux, by the way, can play). Microsoft cannot add this ability to computers without having to pay a licensing tax to those who created the encryption algorithm for the Hollywood studios. Microsoft, however, says that users can purchase a codec that will allow the playing of these DVD. Another option given on a few discussion forums is for people to download
VLC Media Player.
In order for an average user without a huge amount of technical knowledge to be able to add such a capability to their X-box, Microsoft will have to incorporate that ability to easily add third party software to the console. I doubt that Microsoft will do this because it would then allow competitors to create software and features for which Microsoft will have no control over nor be able to tax. Again, the draconian intellectual property laws that the big companies purchased are coming back to bite them in the a$$.
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