I had a Genesis back in the day, but the only games from the collection that I had were Sonic 2, Sonic and Knuckles and Sonic Spinball (yeah, all Sonic). Of course I had other games for my Genesis. Favorites included the Aladdin tie-in, Road Rash 3, and Biohazard Battle, the last of which I re-bought on VC, only to find it's just as frustrating as ever, and I suck at it now. The only thing is, none of those were in the collection, which is actually a good thing. Everything else was new to me. Favorites so far include the Phantasy Stars (I played through 1 and 2), Ristar, and Ecco the Dolphin (I still haven't played Tides of Time yet, but I will). The Ultimate Genesis Collection is amazing, with 49 games for 1 low price. It cost less than $1 per game at launch, and now it's less than $1 for every 3 games. Not bad when you consider that it costs $8 to get them off VC, which is more than 20X what you'd pay for each game in the collection if you got it now. A friend and I actually recommend Sega games to each other that we own, because we both have a copy. Maybe I should dust off my copy again and play a game or two on it.