Rarrarr wrote:
Maybe you should try Rift. It is basically a clone of WoW except the enviroments and lore and stuff are more sinister. It has better graphics than WoW, a worse PvP system i think. And everywhere in the world are "Rifts". Like portals with layers of enemies to kill. Example: Kill 4 skeletons, next stage. Kill 4 necromancers. Final stage is some weird small dragon. Anyway it's completely free untill level 20. So you can install it in 5 minutes, and learn alot about the game and then make a decision.
Me personally? I tried it out and it was too much like WoW. Maybe if i had loads of money but 20 euro for the game + 15 euro a month is too much. A second suggestion, the Elder Scrolls series. I spent so much time in the Elder Scrolls, a little in Morrowind, alot in Oblivion and some in Skyrim aswell
I heavily disagree about the graphics statement but I
know my opinion is purely subjective, biased and not fact . I played Rift when it was in beta and even considered subbing to it but ultimately decided not to. The graphics are more..photo realistic but combat is not very fluid and the game's graphic and art design is kind of uninspired, World of Warcraft trumps it here. I don't think Rift is a terrible game and I'm glad a non-WoW mmo has some kind of following but I defininetly think WoW has the better graphics because what they lack in shere realism is made up for with a very unique, timeless style that has aged exceedingly well for nearly 8 years. Compare that to games like Everquest 2 that look like dog s**t now.
Wow, to me, also trumps Rift because combat in the latter feels very floaty, I've said this time and time again but World of Warcraft is to MMOs what Street Fighter 3 is to the fighting game genre..sort of. Its old but still very, very fluid and plays well.
I think Guild Wars 2' dynamic quests are a lot like Rifts but done better. I recall the rifts annoying the hell out of me because no one was around and monsters invaded all the quest hubs.