Anyone else get really attached to characters(FF10)

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28 Aug 2012, 9:18 pm

So, I have played Final fantasy 10 before but never really got far. I recently decided to jailbreak(softmod) my ps2 and download FF10 for free and play. I am 90% finished and have completely fell in love with the characters! The games storyline! The thought of Yuna and Tidus being together! I feel like i am apart of the game.

I have just found out that Tidus is just a dream and it completely f***ed me all up! It hit me hard and it hurt! So, I called a friend to tell him and he made fun of me. It made me feel worse! Like a piece of s**t!

Has anyone else gotten really attached to a game? Mainly an RPG. Or is there something very wrong with me? have any thoughts?


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28 Aug 2012, 10:45 pm

Somewhat. I had (actually, still have to some extent) an attachment to the Ratchet and Clank series for a while.

(You know, the guy that voices Tidus also voices Ratchet in most of the games. ;))

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28 Aug 2012, 11:02 pm

Selphie in FFVIII, Yuna in FFX, Light in FFXIII. Those are the first to come to mind.

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29 Aug 2012, 5:37 pm

I got attached to Rikku...for different reasons, lol. :lol:

Seriously though, I love the game, it's just that I played it enough times to know the story inside out.

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31 Aug 2012, 10:02 am

you should have made fun of your friend for being into "days of our lives" or "the bold and the beautiful" or some other soapie... regardless of whether he actually is or not, all the funnier if he isn't. i'm sure he didn't mean to be mean; maybe people just have trouble telling whether you're for real, and he thought you were just joking around?

i don't play any PS games at the moment, no time to get into it, but i play little ipod games in between checking my todo lists. there's one called "my town - animals" where you move new animals in and fulfil their dreams, like building them a special house and a business and sending them on train trips around the world and getting their soulmate moved in too. the animals just prance around talking crap to eachother all day and asking you to show them around. anyway, i identify with lala the lioness, and i imagine she likes manthro the black panther. things are just platonic with her soulmate kimba the lion, i think, but with manthro's soulmate pronto the cheetah, i think there might be something more than platonic. that doesn't faze lala, though; what really ticks her off is seeing manthro talking to the women animals, especially that ellie the pink elephant. i know that ellie and oswald the blue elephant are very happily married, but still, i can't help thinking there could be something going on. i don't know, maybe lala should forget manthro and go for antonio the white tiger, but i have a feeling he and his soulmate stripe the tiger might be gay, i mean stripe owns the candle shop because he's a hopeless romantic, but he's never made a move on lala, ellie, or miffy the poodle (the only women in the town, i think), so i'm right to be suspicious, aren't i? come to think of it...

amboxer21 wrote:
So, I have played Final fantasy 10 before but never really got far. I recently decided to jailbreak(softmod) my ps2 and download FF10 for free and play. I am 90% finished and have completely fell in love with the characters! The games storyline! The thought of Yuna and Tidus being together! I feel like i am apart of the game.

I have just found out that Tidus is just a dream and it completely f***ed me all up! It hit me hard and it hurt! So, I called a friend to tell him and he made fun of me. It made me feel worse! Like a piece of s**t!

Has anyone else gotten really attached to a game? Mainly an RPG. Or is there something very wrong with me? have any thoughts?

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02 Sep 2012, 3:42 pm

I like Cid Highwind from FF7 and Aeris too, I think she died too early in the game IMHO.


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02 Sep 2012, 4:50 pm

It's interesting, one of the only games a felt attached to the characters was in the FF series. It was the younger characters of FF12. At the moment I can't think of any other game where I cared what happened to the characters.