So, a few days ago, Kingdom Hearts II was released in America, a very hyped-up sequel to the Game Boy Advance game "Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories". If you've been living in a cave for the past three years, the Kingdom Hearts series is basically the uncanny fusion of Final Fantasy and Disney characters in a huge Action RPG game. So what if this game has cheesy Disney characters, its quite good.
So, anyways, Kingdom Hearts II. I won't divulge any of the storyline, but its another solid game put out by Square-Enix and BVG (which I guess is a Disney company). The graphics churned out on this game is what you expect from Square, pushing the limits of the PS2's graphic capabilities. The music is beautifully orchestrated along with the great acting. Although, KHII isn't perfect, the camera can be a little bit of a pain and so can the battle system, although a step up from the first. The storyline? Pretty solid and links the previous games perfectly.
So, if you ever get an opportunity to play, check it out. Even if you aren't a fan of Disney characters, you will probably like this game. Its released in America right now, but I'm not sure about Europe.