Mike_Garrick wrote:
I never played the original but I suspect it was much better then this.
Both have their good points. In essence, X-COM sacrifices UFO's diversity and potential for varied play on the altar of graphics (albeit ones compromised by the need to handle inferior control devices and seven-years-obsolete hardware; in several respects (destructibility, view angle, clarity)
Silent Storm has better graphics, and that's a game as old as the consoleboxes) and a narrower, more free-flowing gameplay which is at once better and worse than the original. Oh, and it now appears that they're geared up for an obnoxious approach to DLC.
Thing is, I can't, now, go back and play UFO or TFTD. They just feel too claustrophobic with the tiny little viewing area, not to mention the difficulty in getting them to run properly on a modern machine. The main alternatives to X-Com, for me, are UFO: Afterlight, Silent Storm, UFO: Extraterrestrials and Xenonauts. (I made the mistake of buying the JA remake *shudders*.) Xenonauts is cool, and the closest to UFO of any remake I've seen, but unfinished, and I don't want to spoil it by playing the unfinished version to death. UFO:ET... well, it's ok, even has some cool touches, but it drags. S2 is, in many ways, a very bad game (it's horribly unbalanced, hugely bugged, needlessly complicated (umpteen varieties of each weapon, horrendous inventory management and ammo tracking... and the plot, and the voice acting, ye gods*) but on the other hand it has the best system for blowing stuff up of any UFO clone (only let down by your troops not generally being well armed enough to appreciate it fully.) Afterlight has a much better base and team management side than X-Com, and better graphics in some ways, but it's not especially polished or balanced and it also drags.
It's interesting and a great shame that (almost?) all UFO clones have abandoned one of the central features of the original, the random maps. Too hard for the poor ickle modern programmers to handle. ^^
Hehe. I feel a spreadsheet coming on. I need to play S3 properly, as well, never really bothered much with it, and see if I can get a working version of Hammer & Sickle and Night Watch.
*actually, I love the voice acting. Same goes for After (WHAT!ever... FIRing!) light and its psychotic granny. But I feel I shouldn't.
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