GNRfan wrote:
The director who made Final Fantasy what it is today left after FFX and I have yet to see a good FF game since then. Plus all the remakes and spinoff FF games are horrible. 13 looks promising but they already said its a little like 12 which had a bland plot and battle system that i hated.
i've had serious issue with the plots of any PS FF games (particularly 8, 10, and 10/2) but 12 corrected most of the problems by at least being plausible. the only downside was that it was drier than a piece of toast and none of the characters had a personality that jumped out at you or was memorable. and the frequency of the boring cutscenes made you care even less. they weren't as annoying as the characters in 10 but still they went a little too far dialing it down.
i agree with you on the combat though. pretty much every battle i fought turned into a clusterf**k. feels very weird seeing half a dozen warriors standing around either ganging up on a single rat or on a giant f*****g monster that dwarfed all of them.
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