Colinn wrote:
BlueElephantKing wrote:
That's something that made me afraid to play fighting games, that you had to be a "pro" to like it. I heard that the fighting game community hates casual gamers, which I guess I am since I only fight bots or friends. I had two friends come to my house over the summer, I destroyed them in UMVC3.
I know what you mean. I'm a bit of a button masher with fighting games as I don't tend to remember the move combinations all that well. Especially with the huge move sets most modern fighters have now. I do like the Blazblue series though as the games look and play great.
I quite fervently play fighting games, and I button-mash all the time. I mostly suck at all my fighting games, but in a twist of fortune, so do my two cousins, with whom I grew up playing these games. We're all button-mashers and special move spammers, that's the way we always played. Never tried them fancy combos, way too complicated for us brawlers. All we cared about was throwing down. Come on, they're FIGHTING games, not THINKING games! We got chess for that!
I actually found my
Capcom vs SNK 2 disc for the Gamecube, and I've been kicking AI butt left and right since.
Mortal Kombast, Street Fighter, DOA, Tekken, Killer Instinct, King Of Fighters, I've played and loved them all.
clarity of thought before rashness of action