I've been obsessed with video games for as long as I can remember. I think it has something to do with upbringing, since my dad is a big gamer too, so he showed me these games when I was quite young. Sometimes I played games that were too hard for me, but I just kept playing the bit I could do.
For example when zelda link to the past was rereleased on GBA, my dad played through it then told me that I would like it, so I played it. I have no idea how old I was, but I just used to play through the first part of the game (rescue zelda, art first dungeon... Repeat) because I couldn't find my way to the next area (maps weren't my strong point )
But yeah, I have gotten more into video games and actually playing through the content now I'm a teenager :p I play Nintendo games quite a lot, but they haven't released any that appeal to me. I was a bit obsessed with Sam and max series 3 for wii at one point recently
Female, 16
Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are fruits. It takes wisdom to know not to put them in a fruit salad.