Equestria: Total War
Hello fellow gamers, as someone with Asperger's, I tend to have varied interests. Such as I enjoy playing the Total War games (such as Medieval 2, or Empire made by Sega), and I enjoy watching My Little Pony. While watching My Little Pony: FIM I thought to myself that the world of Equestria would make an excellent playing field for a Total War game. I have played through the Third Age Total War (a mod that let's you play in the Lord of the Rings universe) I knew that making a mod like that would be possible. So basically what I intend to do, is to make a mod for say: Empire or Medieval 2, or even Rome Total War, called Equestria Total War. Like you could play as the Solar Empire, or the New Lunar Republic. Other factions include the griffons or the buffalo, you can even play as elephants (if the modding goes according to plan) all in a bid to control the world of MLP:FIM.
In the game, there will be normal stats for generals and agents like: Command (how well they lead soldiers in battle), management (how well they manage a settlement), influence (how well they can make people change decisions and make them act a certain way). But, if you play as the Crystal Empire (starting leader being Princess Cadence), you have to maintain a certain level of love stat. If her love is too low, the ponies will begin to riot, over time, a revlolution will occur, where you have the option of siding with Cadence, or side with King Sombra in his bid to control the Crystal Empire and make it: The Obsidian Empire. If you side with one group, and lose it's game over.
Unable to resolve their differences, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia have split Equestria in two. Those following Celestia, have kept the capital and established the Solar Empire, under the leadership of Princess Celestia. Luna, took the other half of Equestria and established her own country, the New Lunar Republic. When Equestria split in two, the Elements of Harmony have disappeared. Thus, both sides are unable to use it. Both Luna and Celestia search in vain as they make a desperate search for the elements in an attempt to reunite Equestria under their banner. Celestia's Solar Empire has a bonus on unicorns while Luna's New Lunar Republic (it's actually a constitutional monarchy) has a bonus on
To the west, Chief Thunderhooves has died. His son, now Chief Rolling Rock (i'll pick a better name later) , has risen to lead his tribe to unite the other buffalo tribes. Though not like "civilized", the buffalo are a proud, strong race. Their physical abilities are stronger than any other of the races have to offer, and their skills in combat are second to none. The road for Chief Rolling Rock's tribe will be a long one, but if they act quickly, the buffalo will be a match for the other races, perhaps... even one day, extracting tribute from them.
Near the old Equestrian mountains, a group of earth ponies, calling themselves the PLR (Pony Liberation and Resistance), have seized control of the cities of Fillydelphia and Stalliongrad, to create the UPSR (Union of Pony Soviet Republics). Under the ideals of communism, the UPSR are a fanatical bunch, dedicated to overthrowing both Luna and Celestia. They will not stop, they will not falter, until the common pony has been freed (basically they have a bonus on earth ponies).
To the far east, lies the changeling kingdom. Though the changelings were nearly wiped out in their invasion of Canterlot, they are a tough group. Regrouping under the leadership of their queen, Queen Chrysalis, the Changelings have managed to regain some of their lost power. Biding their time, Queen Chrysalis hopes to take advantage of the conflicts in Equestria, and hope to finally, raze Canterlot to its foundation.
In the far north, the griffons set about building their forces and watching the conflicts in Equestria with glee. For too long, the griffons and Equestrian ponies have been in an on and off conflict between them. The griffons never advancing too far, due to the timely use of the elements of harmony. But the elements of harmony have disappeared. The lands of Equestria are rich and fertile. With the newly separated Equestria, it is only a matter of time, until Equestria is the griffon kingdom's oyster.
And for those of you who have played Medieval 2, you'll know what I mean, instead of Mongols and Timurids invading you have: The Human Invasion
"It is easy to become comfortable with the enemy you know, our familiar foes, the changelings and griffons. But to ignore the threats from beyond the known universe will grant a rude awakening that can become a nightmare. That nightmare is the human invasion. These bipedal hairless ape creatures come with a legacy of conquest that cannot be ignored. They also bring exotic new weapons with them called guns. While these metal and wooden sticks are seemingly harmless, but when triggered, they explode with a force that is unmatched, even with magic. It would be wise to drive out the invaders."