Xbox 720 Could Mean The End for Used Games (link)
I'm not sure when the official announcement is going to be made, but I can't see myself buying one if it requires a 24/7 internet connection & activation codes for all games. (I'm guessing backwards compatibility is out the window as well if these codes are coming, but I haven't seen much on that, either way.)
Just curious where others stand on this issue, and if I'm the one who's missing something. Especially since the PS4 is apparently not going to have them. Granted there's been no definite Yes/No answer to the question re: the PS4 yet, but it seems that's where they're headed.
I'm personally not all that interested in the morality of whether or not Microsoft should or shouldn't do it, that's their affair. I'm also not completely ruling buying one, either. But there would have to be something about it that completely blew me away, as in an order of magnitude above the PS4 before I made a move...Maybe I'd finally buy a new laptop to replace this dinosaur instead.
"The man who has fed the chicken every day throughout its life at last wrings its neck instead, showing that more refined views as to the uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken." ? Bertrand Russell