People who play video games, higher intelligence

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21 Dec 2012, 11:13 am ... study-says

People who play video games performed “significantly better” in terms of both reasoning and short-term memory.

I knew it.


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21 Dec 2012, 12:29 pm

Unfortunately only a small minority of gamers actually apply their intelligence to real life. There's nothing smart about wasting 6 hours of your day in front of a TV screen when you could be out doing something constructive.

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.


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21 Dec 2012, 1:07 pm

The concluded that IQ don't mean intelligence... If they made their brain scan so they would compare "average" peoples with those with more that 130 IQ, they could have found some differences.

rabidmonkey4262 wrote:
Unfortunately only a small minority of gamers actually apply their intelligence to real life. There's nothing smart about wasting 6 hours of your day in front of a TV screen when you could be out doing something constructive.

Don't confound intelligence and wisdom, it's just a way to pass the time like many other anyway.

Down with speculators!! !


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21 Dec 2012, 1:38 pm

rabidmonkey4262 wrote:
Unfortunately only a small minority of gamers actually apply their intelligence to real life. There's nothing smart about wasting 6 hours of your day in front of a TV screen when you could be out doing something constructive.

Did video games molest you as a child or something? Christ, if you don't like them so much then get out of here. No need to make fun of people who like to spend their time on a hobby just as legitimate as any other. Maybe you could be doing something more constructive than whining on an internet forum all day long?

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21 Dec 2012, 1:58 pm

rabidmonkey4262 wrote:
Unfortunately only a small minority of gamers actually apply their intelligence to real life. There's nothing smart about wasting 6 hours of your day in front of a TV screen when you could be out doing something constructive.

Playing video games for six hours a day is mostly a complete lack of self control, scheduling skills, time management. Though there can be serious diminishing returns in terms of replay ability to games. Video games have moments of achievement, though music, visuals, story, characters, or achievement that do make them rewarding, but some games just don't get that right, and there is only so much you can get out of some games. I'm not going to buy any new games this holiday season, and there are none on my Christmas list.

As an alternative to video games there are board games, war games, miniatures, card games, tabletop role playing games, and with those you have to find people to play with and talk to them. That is all I got people for Christmas presents this year.


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21 Dec 2012, 2:39 pm

or a job,

there are people that live off of playing games.

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21 Dec 2012, 3:49 pm

rabidmonkey4262 wrote:
Unfortunately only a small minority of gamers actually apply their intelligence to real life. There's nothing smart about wasting 6 hours of your day in front of a TV screen when you could be out doing something constructive.

There's nothing constructive about sitting around on a forum for something you hate, either. At least the gamers have enough sense to live and let live. :?

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21 Dec 2012, 7:29 pm

I'll take it.


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22 Dec 2012, 6:50 am

Thanks to Monkey Island I knew I could put together three items of my room to get an object that had felt in a inaccessible area.

I don't use English since September 2007.


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23 Dec 2012, 2:07 am

How much does this vary from genres to genre? I imagine playing a strategy/puzzle game would require more intelligence than playing an FPS. Of course there is tactics and things to make FPS requires some thinking, but not as much as a strategy game. Or so I think, at least.

How about those people who make computer games, by the way?=P


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23 Dec 2012, 11:23 am

Wow....that study must be innaccurate because I play video games daily but my short-term memory is horrible.

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23 Dec 2012, 4:46 pm

When i was younger i wanted to read the game text on the TV. I learned how to read from video games and practice from determination to know what the game said. Now i'm a pro reader and love to read books like the Eragon books and the Percy Jackson series. So video games are very educational and give people the ability to make self goals and follow through with them like i did with the text and game thing. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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23 Dec 2012, 10:40 pm

guitarman2010 wrote:
Wow....that study must be innaccurate because I play video games daily but my short-term memory is horrible.

I second that.


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24 Dec 2012, 4:19 am

^^^ Thirded. :oops:


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24 Dec 2012, 4:21 am

My short term and long term memory are significantly above average. I've always thought that that was a result of a combination of being an aspie, and genetics. My dad has a good memory too, but not like mine. An aspie I'm friends with on another forum also seems to have an above average memory. Judging by the above comments, I guess my theory that AS improves memory was incorrect. A memory like mine is a double-edged sword, mind you. I sometimes remember things that others around me don't remember, whether it's something they said, or somewhere I've been with them. I've been working on not getting frustrated over this revelation that so and so doesn't remember, but for some reason that has been a difficult hurdle to overcome. To make matters worse, the memory of a friend of mine is slightly below average. I suppose, because my memory has always been strong, I wouldn't know what it's like to forget things as easily as others seem to, and so, I have to keep myself in check to avoid getting frustrated, since I know people don't forget things on purpose. At times, I even wonder if my memory is a curse, rather than a blessing. It makes cramming for tests a whole lot easier though.

Anyways, back on topic. All studies of that nature are based on a sample of the overall population, and therefore, the findings only follow by a matter of likelihood, as opposed to absolute truth. However, if the data from the study does contain some threads of truth to it, then maybe videogames have helped improve my memory too, which is something I never considered. On the other hand, I wonder how many of the gamers who participated in that study are aspies? Obviously, we'll never know the answer to that. I can see the link between videogames and reasoning though, since puzzle games and strategy games require some skill at reasoning on the part of the player.


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28 Dec 2012, 11:18 pm

Just to be able to play unreal tourney at a competitive level one has to memorise quite a lot. I think video games almost certainly improve memory in most cases. Problem solving as well to some extent in all but the most basic games.