I've recently gotten excited over the development of the Oculus Rift, the Leap Motion controller and the Reactive Grip prototype (among other cool new gaming tech) and what they could mean for the future of interactive and immersive gaming. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm all in favor of adding more immersion and physical interactivity to games. I'm looking forward to being able to step away from the mouse and keyboard and take control of a character and their actions more intuitively than (not that using a mouse and keyboard isn't already intuitive for those of us who already use them) moving a mouse to look around and pressing keys on the keyboard in front of me to perform actions.
I think the new tech is going to be especially useful for games like the Arma series and MMOs, which have more movement, view and action controls than are easily accessible with the left hand on a keyboard. It'd also be really cool to play FPS games with a prop gun in your hands; I can only imagine how much better my accuracy and reaction time would be with one of those, along with a VR headset like the Rift. Adventure games would be crazy-awesome too, with something like the Leap Motion controller or other gesture-recognition system. Being able to interact with objects and puzzles like you would in the physical world would be amazing- turning knobs and valves, flipping switches, pressing buttons, lifting, rotating and moving objects like normal.
So what do you other gamers and tech enthusiasts out there think of all the stuff that's coming out in the next few years? You think it's going to breed new innovation int the games industry, or do you think it's all just going to be a fad, and become the next nerd or geek stereotype point?
It takes a village to raise an idiot, but it only takes one idiot to raze a village.