I played through the first game some years ago, and I didn't find it that hard till I hit the post-game, which I ultimately decided not to do, since it requires one to really know what they're doing. I got partway into the second game, set it down, and haven't gotten back to it since, so it's in my backlog, along with the 3rd and 4th games. I did love the first game, and what I played of the second though. At least I finished the first game. I have all four Disgaea games in some way, shape or form, and I only got partway through the first game. I might as well restart when I finally get back to it.
Rorberyllium wrote:
I've made a few attempts at playing 1 and 2. The series is just too hardcore for me, and the amount of customization and complexity of the skill-tree system just adds to that. But the fact that it exists and these games are being made, I really appreciate that.
I'm more of a Dark Spire fan. It was a first person dungeon crawler released for the DS that's much more linear and styled like the classic PC games.
Interesting. I personally found The Dark Spire more complicated. Don't you roll characters in that game? I got to the third floor, I believe, but I had to stop playing the game. I found it even more unpleasant to look at than a fps, and I recall there being a lot less in the way of indication as to what I was even doing, or which direction I should be going. I found the game to be a little to archaic for my tastes, but to each their own. I don't come from the old school of dungeon crawling though.