Kurgan wrote:
Voice-acting in games today is about as common as power locks and cigarette lighters are in cars. Most games in the The Legend of Zelda series are timeless classics, but the lack of voice-acting is, in my honest opinion, a negative.
Sure, the CD-i games sucked and they had voice-acting. Arguing that voice-acting in Zelda games suck because of this, is a post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, ergo because of this) argument, though. There were many reasons why these games sucked and it doesn't mean that voice-acting doesn't have it's place in a Nintendo game.
In my honest opinion, the Zelda games should have Japanese voice-acting (and never dubbed into any other language), but with whatever language you want on the subtitles, like Shadow of the Colossus. Those who do not like voice-acting in games, should be able to turn it off.
The CD-I games aren't even considered as canon by Zelda's creator, therefore they're simply a bad offshoot, a would-be fangame if you will.
I say no, because of many reasons, but mainly because I remember the voice acting from Metroid: Other M, and it was shall we say... more than lacking. I do not wish for bad acting to practically kill the game's glamour.
Writer. Author.