fueledbycoffee wrote:
I've spent the last decade, on and off playing WoW. I love it, but to be honest, these last few months since my subscription ran out during school I found myself wanting to diversify a bit. I play The Secret World and Defiance, as well, but I find myself wanting a traditional MMO to add to my stable. The most recent one I've played extensively was LotRO, and frankly, I found it boring as crap, as it lacked the personality WoW & TSW have in droves.
I've been looking at Rift, and the free trial was interesting, but I'm not sure how interesting the world ends up being or how the end game or PVP are. Has anyone played it extensively, and can give me a verdict on that? Is it worth the subscription?
I'm also interested by Guild Wars 2, since I really would rather not pay a subscription, but while I have GW1, it struck me as having a fairly bland world. Have they improved it? How's the storyline? The End-game?
Also, anyone played TERA or Aion?
It doesn't just have to be those, either. Any recommendation is great. I'd just prefer a game that has good graphics, an interesting story from zone to zone, and a healthy endgame. And if there's one without that subscription fee, that's just wonderful, delicious gravy. So let me here your two cents, please!
I love SWTOR i'ts kinda like WoW but with it's own touch. If you want to join me contact me via PM ill tell you my faction and server. Plus it's have an free to play mode. All storylines i open to FTP and i think the cap is 50(before ROTHC)