Darkone101 wrote:
Sony is a mix of both but is missing out on a few details.
Like what? I actually prefer Sony's variety of creative IPs over what the competition offers. I also hate motion control and Halo. I don't think Halo's a bad series, but it's treated like the second coming of Christ in videogame form, even though it's just a run of the mill fps. I also have zero respect for a company that spends more money on advertising than they do on actually developing games.
I don't mind Ninty so much, and actually consider myself a Ninty fan as well as a Sony fan. Though Ninty, like MS, recycles the same old ips, and has actually been doing so for longer than MS, they also manage to do new and refreshing things with their games, while still maintaining the core of what fans have always loved in, say, a good Mario or Zelda game. It's a balance that other companies struggle with, yet Ninty makes it look easy. Ok, that's not entirely true with their New Super Mario Bros. line, which I feel has overstayed its welcome, but IMHO, MS is doing exactly the same thing with all their main ips as Ninty is doing with their NSMB series. I guess in MS's defense though, I can't imagine that much can be done with fps like Halo and Gears that we haven't seen a million times over(you can probably tell I'm not a big fan of modern fps). EA has done creative things with Bioshock, which is the only modern fps series I can think of that I kind of like, but you can't exactly pull a 180 on other established fps to go against the grain, so they're forever doomed to be unremarkable fps.
I haven't been a pc gamer in years, and though not all pc gamers are jerks(no one on this forum seems to be like that), I've encountered too many that are, and I refuse to belong to the same club as them. Also, I prefer the comfort and simplicity of consoles, and I also prefer console exclusives to pc exclusives, since I don't play mmos, and I don't mod games, or do any of the things pc gamers describe as pc advantages. Plus, I don't want to give any money to MS at this point, if I can avoid it. I decided my old Netbook is the last MS product I will ever own till the company changes its tune. I have since switched to an IPad 5, and I only use my Netbook on occasion for things like emulators or indie games, neither of which I play very often.