seaturtleisland wrote:
What system is it going to be on? I thought it would never happen. I thought it was cancelled and that was it.
Current Gen consoles have been confirmed.
I'm not expecting much, it will probably be just the same thing as battlefield games.
No instant action...
Only 2 factions...
highly limited range of playable characters... probably only basic storm troopers and basic rebel troopers.
only online battles....
unimaginative, poorly planned out story mode, if it has one at all...
only for next Generation consoles...
however, If they do it like Battle front 2, then we should have something decent. I really shouldn't have sold my Star wars Battle front 2.... best game ever....
I think I'll get the Steam pc version someday... if I ever can afford it.
I know what you mean. It would suck if this game didn't have instant action.