Kyiro wrote:
Now I'm still new here and you can feel free to turn me down, but I myself do own a 35 man Ventrilo which has pretty good latency(and if you don't know about Vent, I can surely help you.). If you want to use it, I would be happy to give you all access, but I'm not too familiar with Skype, so I'm not too sure which would be easier.
But that's sort of unrelated. I've loved playing online RPG chatrooms since I'd like to play too.
Everyone's welcome to join if they want, regardless of experience. I might as well be a beginner, myself, not having played since a I did a handful of games back in like, 2004 and earlier. Ventrilo is cool and useful, but I doubt latency will be an issue when it comes to playing pen & paper RPGs online. Ventrilo's audio quality might be higher than Skype's, though- I'm not sure, never tried it. Skype doesn't have a dedicated server system like Ventrilo does; it works by more-or-less just like a conference call (both text and voice) where one person hosts a call and can merge others into it as they contact the host, or as the host contacts them.
Browncoat wrote:
Actually, 6-man teams are most common. I'll DM so you don't have to. I'll just need you to send me the PDFs (I've got 3.5 and pathfinder, but not 4.0) As far as timing goes...I think we should aim for the 9th or the 10th. In terms of posting our schedules, I recommend we all add our time zone I'm -6hr from GMT On Saturday, I can do the morning until noonish and a bit later in the evening On Sunday, I can do anytime past noon. I also have some odd times during the week because my job has weird hours.
I realized I forgot to go over possible dates and different time-zones right after I'd gone out to do something else, so good catch there. I can certainly send you the PDFs, if you want to DM. It'd probably be easiest for me to just send them all in a ZIP or RAR file, with everything I have for 'classic' 4th edition campaigns, so you're not missing anything you might want or need later.
For the record, I'm on GMT -8 (UTC -8) which is also called Pacific Time, here on the US west coast. March 9th or 10th would work just fine for me, but I may or may not be free on the 16th, 17th, and 23 of this month- I don't know yet; I'm on the crew for a play that's running those days.
Fnord wrote:
Which version? I left off with 2.0 back in the nineties.
Character Generation: Pre-made, Point-based, or "Honor" system?
Character classes: Which ones are permitted? What alignments?
Turn Cycle: Time-based or based on when everybody turns in their actions?
All god questions.
Version: We're looking at doing vanilla 4th edition, at least to start with. Where we go from there would be up to the group to decide collectively.
Pre-Made or Custom Characters: I was thinking custom, myself, but I don't think it would be too big a deal to allow people to choose to play either pre-made or custom characters, depending on the preference and/or experience.
Character Classes: I think it'd be the most fun and interesting to not put any restrictions on class or alignment, as long as players stay within the classic (meaning: not Eberron, Dark Sun or Forgotten Realms) 4th edition classes, at least to begin with.
Turn Cycle: For now, just whenever everyone turns in their actions. maybe move up to time limits once everyone's more familiar with the game materials, but the change would be up to the players.
Shatbat wrote:
Eventually, I'd like to try my hand at DM'ing, but I'll wait until I have more experience. Let's make this a reality!
The more potential DMs we have, the better, in case the DM for any given week can't make it. Good to see some enthusiasm, too!
It takes a village to raise an idiot, but it only takes one idiot to raze a village.