JanuaryMan wrote:
If JRPG's are your thing then yes Ni No Kuni without a doubt.
Also consider:
Persona 4 Golden
Some of the PS1 JRPG's from the PlayStation Store
Cross Edge (sort of Namco X Capcom sequel)
HD rereleases of FFX, X-2, and Kingdom Hearts games whenever they come out
Just thought I would point out that Persona 4: Golden is a vita game. It's highly recommended, but only if KagamineLen actually has vita, which doesn't strike me as the case, though I could be wrong. If you meant Persona 4: Arena, then yes, I would recommend it, but only if he has played at least Persona 4(either version), if not 3. Speaking of which, Persona 3: FES actually is available as a ps2 classic, and is currently on sale for $5, and I would definitely recommend that, in addition to some ps1 jrpgs. Oh, and Odin Sphere. I like that game too, and it is also on sale for $5.
For ps3 exclusive jrpgs that haven't already been mentioned, I would recommend the Atelier games. The Arland Trilogy may not be easy to find at this point(I don't know), and I would recommend collecting them all(or download the vita versions of Totori and Mereru if you have a vita, since they have extra content). I would recommend at least checking out Atelier Ayesha though. Valkyria Chronicles and Ni no Kuni are highly recommended by me too. For games that are not jrpgs, but should appeal to a jrpg gamer, I second Catherine, and I also recommend trying a highly underrated game from Japan Studio called Folklore.