I just got Super Monkey Ball Adventure for Gamecube from Amazon today. The story mode is much more involved than it was for Super Monkey Ball 2. You walk around accomplishing missions, to help the other monkey residents. Some of the missions are easy, and some take awhile to accomplish. The only thing is once you get past Jungle Island, which is the start point area. The game seems to get super hard..but I've just started playing it. I reccomend it if you're looking for a game that has unique challenges. It's sort of like the Rareware games for N64, where you accomplish different missions to get Jiggies. I forgot what you got for accomplishing missions in DK 64, probaly was something to do with bananas.
"Sprinkle, sprinkle, little bar, what I wonder is a cat" - Cheese from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends