Most likely some of you have as far back as Eurogamer.
I only just got round to playing it tonight for an evening event with a Sony rep.
Have to say I was slightly underwhelmed considering I've put a deposit down and reserved money aside for this.
It's not so much the machine that was disappointing (it's amazing!). It's the fact that there were no demos to showcase how great this machine really is, alongside some of the better games being delayed from launch. C'mon..FIFA 14 and Knack!? Octodad was awesome yes but again not the best showcase for a new platform. GAME's lock-in events are void of Shadowfall, Drive Club, Watchdogs demos, Destiny...and so on. It needed those games present IMO.
Hoping the PS4 doesn't have the same start the PS3 did. It shouldn't but it's beginning to seem that way now
I've no intention of touching one of the things myself, but I generally still follow what happens in the console side of the industry for the heck of it, and I'm curious as to what some of the initial impressions of the thing are when people try it.