GoonSquad wrote:
I lie that dogmeat is fairly useful in combat and I don't mind that he (and other companions) are unkillable. Let's face it, most of us would reload if we lost a companion anyway...
In the first Fallout, I tried keeping Dogmeat alive for as long as I could, reloading saves...but eventually, I got tired of him running after bandits and getting himself killed, so I gave up and buried him (figuratively speaking).
I don't understand Bethesda's obsession with invulnerable NPCs. If players want to go berzerk and kill important characters and/or children, either punish them, or force them to live with their mistakes. Making them unkillable just breaks the suspension of disbelief.
GoonSquad wrote:
What do you guys thnk?
I will probably never play FO3 or 4, so it doesn't really matter what I think =) I wouldn't mind trying NV, though.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...