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Sea Gull
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26 Mar 2014, 10:57 pm

1) Assassins Creed: Black Flag- If you are walking down the pier but don't see the Jackdaw don't be mad you will end up laughing. The Jackdaw will be gone but where your beloved ship was the water around the empty space has also disappeared. The funny part is your crew is floating and flailing ing the void. Then they start floating upwards then comes the Jackdaw floating up until resting where you left it.

2) Skyrim- Sometimes if you randomly jump off of stuff your horse won't fall but will run on air for an unpredictable amount of time.

3) Fallout New Vegas- The game starts out with the big bad villan shoots you in the forehead. You wake up and walk into the next room. There is a man sitting down and you start to talk with him. He explains that he is a doctor and that he reconstructed your brain. In the middle of the conversation his head starts spinning in a windmill fashion. I call him messed up mr Mitchell.


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27 Mar 2014, 7:05 am

lag on online games always looks funny (not exactly a glitch though)

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27 Mar 2014, 7:39 am

Sabertooth gymnastics/helicopter/breakdancing in Skyrim after you kill them.

In Skyrim on my PS3(without updates), the textures would sometimes fail to render on NPCs, leaving them looking like a bright pastel & neon colored version of the aliens from They Live.

In Halo 3, if you ended a level holding a broken sword, you started the next level with an indestructable invisible sword.

Banshee Jumping with an overshield, rocket launcher and an upside down banshee in Halo 1. This is more of an exploit than a glitch.

The most annoying glitch I've ever encounted was in FFIII/VI when you fight the boss in Cyan's dream in Doma Castle. The programming was faulty and the bad guy would dissapear out of the fight and never return. I learned to make sure I used the vanish/x-zone trick immediately to defeat him before the first round was over or else I had to reset the game and load from my last save.

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27 Mar 2014, 10:10 am

Maybe not funny but annoying.

Mass Effect 3 had scenes where a person would salute with the wrong/correct hand and then the next scene had the reverse. As if someone was working on a mirror image and never realized the compiled result was messed up.

Also found it odd for people to have bad muzzle control (holding a weapon in conversation and gesturing with the armed hand rather than keeping the muzzle where it should be pointed when not aiming at a target).


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27 Mar 2014, 4:17 pm

Not really a glitch but funny none the less from Silent Hill 1:


and here are some bugs I found in Skyrim:




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27 Mar 2014, 9:24 pm

My sister's boyfriend randomly got stuck in the ground in Saints Row IV. Even funnier, he got unstuck by firing the Loud Locust.

The deathclaw leap into space glitch in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Always funny to see.

Any enemy killing themselves in a game usually seems like a rather hilarious ( and helpful ) glitch....

I once got infinite use of a jetpack in Halo Reach ( not including fiddling with the options in Firefight ) and just flew around the map

Randomly saw an enemy die from nothing in Borderlands 2 once... ( wish I could continue playing that one, but another glitch is preventing me from doing so. FYI, it's the infinite Compatibility Patch loop glitch )

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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29 Mar 2014, 4:23 pm

I love watching glitch videos on youtube, so here's some of my favorites:

Here's some random stuff:

And my absolute favourite, Skyrim glitches:


Sea Gull
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29 Mar 2014, 5:47 pm

I would post some my favorite game glitches, but I think I would break this site with the number of videos I would want to post. Game glitches, and humor about video games in general, is actually something I spend of a lot my time entertaining myself with, so I guess I consider myself well versed on this subject. :) There's a Rooster Teeth channel called GameFails that I would recommend to anyone that enjoys watching short, silly, uncommentated gameplay videos. The videos that they post aren't always glitches but there are some real gems on that channel. Also, if you are a Steam user, there are a lot of games that have gamehubs full of hilarious screenshots, artwork and videos.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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29 Mar 2014, 7:03 pm

TheBraveSirRobin wrote:
There's a Rooster Teeth channel called GameFails that I would recommend to anyone that enjoys watching short, silly, uncommentated gameplay videos.

Oh, THANK YOU! This channel is really amazing! :lol:

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29 Mar 2014, 7:36 pm

grainxs wrote:
TheBraveSirRobin wrote:
There's a Rooster Teeth channel called GameFails that I would recommend to anyone that enjoys watching short, silly, uncommentated gameplay videos.

Oh, THANK YOU! This channel is really amazing! :lol:

No problem. You should look for their videos from Skate 3 and GTA IV/V. Those games, and one or two others, have moments that are just unbelievably ridiculous and just pure gold.

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Sea Gull
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30 Mar 2014, 1:59 am

stardraigh wrote:
Banshee Jumping with an overshield, rocket launcher and an upside down banshee in Halo 1. This is more of an exploit than a glitch.

While not from the same game, glitching out of bounds in Halo 2 with the infamous rocket-sword dash/jump along with many other techniques was probably be the most fun I've ever had exploiting glitches in any multiplayer game, period. At the time, I found it incredible that you could get out of the boundaries of the maps and explore it in a completely new way like that. That game was actually really remarkable for glitch lovers like myself in the fact that really large portions of the "outside" of maps were fully functional terrain that you could traverse just like the normal parts of the level. In fact, there were multiple easter eggs and even skulls that you could not get to without going out of bounds with a glitch or grenade-jumping with the sputnik skull.

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16 Aug 2014, 12:40 pm

TheBraveSirRobin wrote:
stardraigh wrote:
Banshee Jumping with an overshield, rocket launcher and an upside down banshee in Halo 1. This is more of an exploit than a glitch.

While not from the same game, glitching out of bounds in Halo 2 with the infamous rocket-sword dash/jump along with many other techniques was probably be the most fun I've ever had exploiting glitches in any multiplayer game, period. At the time, I found it incredible that you could get out of the boundaries of the maps and explore it in a completely new way like that. That game was actually really remarkable for glitch lovers like myself in the fact that really large portions of the "outside" of maps were fully functional terrain that you could traverse just like the normal parts of the level. In fact, there were multiple easter eggs and even skulls that you could not get to without going out of bounds with a glitch or grenade-jumping with the sputnik skull.

Ah, the great days before Halo 4 when easter eggs, out of map "vacations", collectable skulls, cool glitches and such were aplenty.
Halo 2, 3 and Reach have particularly huge amounts of walkable terrain outside many of the levels that it takes several minutes to walk across the cool scenery (or crazy stretched texture). The non walkable but approachable mountains in Reach are huge with the largest according the the altimeter in the Falcon being slightly higher than Everest. You can go underwater in some of the Reach and Halo 2 "Vacations" like with Silent Cartographer in CE. The vacations in 343 Guilty Spark, Metropolis, and The Covenant have some particularly interesting stuff to be found and the skulls in 2 usually had something odd happening nearby.

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19 Aug 2014, 9:11 pm

AntDog wrote:
Ah, the great days before Halo 4 when easter eggs, out of map "vacations", collectable skulls, cool glitches and such were aplenty.
Halo 2, 3 and Reach have particularly huge amounts of walkable terrain outside many of the levels that it takes several minutes to walk across the cool scenery (or crazy stretched texture). The non walkable but approachable mountains in Reach are huge with the largest according the the altimeter in the Falcon being slightly higher than Everest. You can go underwater in some of the Reach and Halo 2 "Vacations" like with Silent Cartographer in CE. The vacations in 343 Guilty Spark, Metropolis, and The Covenant have some particularly interesting stuff to be found and the skulls in 2 usually had something odd happening nearby.

Ugh, don't get me started on Halo 4. I am a huge Halo fan, if you can't tell from my profile picture which features an ODST, but as much as I love the franchise, when I look at Halo 4, I feel that it took everything that made the series interesting and got rid of it in exchange for dumbed-down gameplay (especially in multiplayer) and uninteresting and uninspired visual-audio design. And definitely don't get me started about the storyline and the complete bastardization of the lore.

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20 Aug 2014, 2:23 am

TheBraveSirRobin wrote:
Ugh, don't get me started on Halo 4. I am a huge Halo fan, if you can't tell from my profile picture which features an ODST, but as much as I love the franchise, when I look at Halo 4, I feel that it took everything that made the series interesting and got rid of it in exchange for dumbed-down gameplay (especially in multiplayer) and uninteresting and uninspired visual-audio design. And definitely don't get me started about the storyline and the complete bastardization of the lore.

I was expecting a great game (the release date not being a day later on 11-7 should have indicated otherwise). But after playing campaign twice (the second time on legendary which was awfully like the already hard easy difficulty) there was nothing left to do (unless I wanted to deal with paying for Xbox Live membership).
The game appears to have been rushed through production to the point where it has sloppy menus and several bugs some of which prevent you from finishing levels. Not to mention there was no firefight, no being an elite, the multiplayer was the third incarnation of Reach's and they cancelled Spartan Ops at just the first season.
The only particular thing I find good about Halo 4 is the soundtrack.

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20 Aug 2014, 10:23 pm

grainxs wrote:
TheBraveSirRobin wrote:
There's a Rooster Teeth channel called GameFails that I would recommend to anyone that enjoys watching short, silly, uncommentated gameplay videos.

Oh, THANK YOU! This channel is really amazing! :lol:

By the way, I'll say as a public service announcement that GameFails have, at this point, completely stopped the release of uncommentated gameplay videos. If anyone is like me and doesn't like unnecessary commentary in these kinds of short and simple gameplay videos, GameFails, which still has hours of gameplay videos in the archive, is, nonetheless no longer worth a subscribing to in my opinion.

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24 Aug 2014, 10:29 am

1. When characters limbs and head become stretchy.
2. When your character falls through the terrain.