Lets Play Hearts Of Ion 3 R.P.M. Vorwarts Panzers
The Realistic Progression mod is a mod for Hearts of Iron 3 that adds a lot of detail to the units of the game, we also redid most of the tech trees. The Vorwarts Panzers submod adds unique, event based divisions for germany (me) and Italy (my somewhat more competent than historically every time i play ally) as well.
With the intro out of the way the settings
Normal Difficulty
Normal Supply Mode
1936 start
AI research with help from me.
Auto Trade Enabled
AI intel after Anchluss.
AI Eastern Front at Armygroup Level.
House Rules
Plan Z Must Build 2 Scharnhost Class BC's by 1939, as well as 2 Hippers and 2 BIsmarcks by DEC 31 1941 THE latter two class must have 1939 Fire Control Sytems as well.
Graf Zeppelin and Prinz Eugen are optional but I will most likely build them as well.