The announcements were great ( Little Mac in Smash! the 7 Koopalings in Kart! GBA games on VC! ), and the new footage has me even more super excited for Bayonetta 2 and Monolith's new RPG ( I hate calling it X since 1- it's not the actual title and 2- Nintendo already has a game by that name ) which I still say HAS to be Xenoblade 2. On the flip side, I was hoping for some new info on Yarn Yoshi which hasn't been heard from in a long time now...and the Virtual Console announcement would have made a bigger impact had they announced Mother 3 as one of the first GBA games IMO. Also wish they'd announced localizations for Tomodachi Collection: New Life and the 3DS remake of Dragon Quest VII.
And just like every other Nintendo Direct, I'm disappointed in the serious lack of F-Zero....
Ore Sanjou!