March NPD U.S. Results: big upset, U wouldn't believe.

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14 Apr 2016, 5:42 pm

An unusual upset in the March NPD U.S. sales charts this time.

1)Tom Clancy's The Division (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
2)Far Cry: Primal (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
3)The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (Wii U)
4)Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3, PC)
5)UFC 2 (PS4, Xbox One)
6)MLB 16: The Show (PS4, PS3)
7)Pokken Tournament (Wii U)
8)NBA 2K16 (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PSe)
9)Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3, PC)
10)Minecraft (360, PS4, Xbox One, PS3)

Some how Nintendo managed to get 2 Wii U exclusives in the top 10 main chart. ... ostcount=1

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14 Apr 2016, 7:03 pm

Where is the upset?

Seriously.. none of the games on the list surprise me at all. All had plenty of attention and hype behind them, so its really no big deal.

Not trying to sound rude- but there is more to gaming than sales. Also, your post is just a Neogaf copy and paste with less info. Why not make an original topic? :x


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14 Apr 2016, 7:27 pm

I'm not too surprised about Pokken, something tells me there were quite a few people looking forward to that one from both the Pokemon and fighting game communities. Definitely not my sort of fighter but it's at least amusing seeing it above CoD.

Why not make an original topic?

This is an original topic. Well, original enough anyway. Most people on this forum, I suspect, dont really follow things like sales trends all that much. So it's news to many here.

I tend to, but not for the AAA side of the industry. As it is, I can see the top 10 list is just as bloody boring as usual... bah. Of those, I care about Minecraft and that's really about it. Though not the console versions, those also earn a "bah".


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14 Apr 2016, 8:10 pm

Earthbound wrote:
Where is the upset?

Seriously.. none of the games on the list surprise me at all. All had plenty of attention and hype behind them, so its really no big deal.

Not trying to sound rude- but there is more to gaming than sales. Also, your post is just a Neogaf copy and paste with less info. Why not make an original topic? :x

Actually Twilight Princess HD, MLB16 and Pokken were expected to bomb in the U.S. and in many Western countries.

This monthly sales information is what publishers and developers use to determine what to make and what to release in U.S./NA

The top 10 list is literally live or die for most games and U.S. based publishers/developers.
NeoGaf is the best source for NPD sales information, due to most of it being kept for paid subscribers only.

There is no such thing as an original top in video and computer games, unless one of us is the original source.
There is also nothing new to talk about unless you want to talk gaming finances as most in the industry have spent the last few weeks releasing financial results.

The next dose of gaming news is at the end of the month when Nintendo briefs their investors and the May Coro Coro drops releasing the Pokemon Sun and Moon blowout.

Then there is most likely nothing until June when E3 occurs and EA has it's showcase.

Or would you rather talk about how EEDAR claims Xbox One has sold 20M+ beating Wii U into the ground?

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14 Apr 2016, 8:17 pm

Please don't make up nonsense assumptions.

There is plenty of gaming stuff to talk about that isnt sales. Look on any other gaming forum- people talk about why they like a certain game, upcoming games they look forward to, etc.

And with that I'm done with this topic, I think for the future I will avoid your topics. You refuse to understand things and its frustrating.


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14 Apr 2016, 8:29 pm

Earthbound wrote:
Please don't make up nonsense assumptions.

There is plenty of gaming stuff to talk about that isnt sales. Look on any other gaming forum- people talk about why they like a certain game, upcoming games they look forward to, etc.

And with that I'm done with this topic, I think for the future I will avoid your topics. You refuse to understand things and its frustrating.

I'm not refusing to understand things, you are just upset that a thread was posted about a subject you don't like to hear about.
You could have easily ignored, but you decided to attack me and go off about how you hate that type of topic.

Other people keep making threads about how they like ______ game and it's normally the same damn games.
We had threads on many games but they died horrible deaths, because no one was posting in them.

We could post more threads about games, which already have threads which in turn will annoy and irritate the mods and other users who will complain to them.

Mods and other users do not like multiple threads on the same topic/game.

Over the last year we had 10+ Smash Bros 4 threads which all died relatively fast.
We've had 5 Pokemon threads since the year began with them dying relatively fast.
We've had numerous Xbox, Playstation, and other games threads which all died fast.

Only the "what are you playing now" thread has survived more than year on this board.

But more threads talking about existing games are very lacking in originally and you have openly stated you only what threads that are original.

Three key gaming forums are, and and their most active threads discuss industry sales, E3, Gamescon, TGS, and new Call of Duty.

You should join them.
Beware their thread are equally as unoriginal on this board.

Now if you don't mind I'm going to report you.

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14 Apr 2016, 10:27 pm

Come now, Xenocity, there's no need to report him. Hell, you seem to tolerate ME well enough. I can sorta understand what he means about a topic like this; to some gamers, something like this is all a bunch of meaningless numbers. And that's fine.

But that sure doesnt mean that such a topic shouldnt be posted, for those of us that take an interest in the sales/publishing sides of things.

Also yes, you're right, there just arent all that many very interesting topics on this part of the forum these days. I check this frequently, but lately I dont often find that there's all that much interesting to talk about with anyone. That fact is rather annoying, well okay, VERY annoying, but... cant do much about it. Sure I could start my own topics, but I guarantee nobody here would care, not with the sorts of games that I tend to be into. So I do that very rarely.

...but it sure as bloody hell beats the "major" gaming forums. Ugh. I cant stand those. At least HERE, flamewars arent really a thing and trolls are exceptionally rare. This is one of only two places where I actually discuss gaming with anyone.


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14 Apr 2016, 10:36 pm

Misery wrote:
Come now, Xenocity, there's no need to report him. Hell, you seem to tolerate ME well enough. I can sorta understand what he means about a topic like this; to some gamers, something like this is all a bunch of meaningless numbers. And that's fine.

But that sure doesnt mean that such a topic shouldnt be posted, for those of us that take an interest in the sales/publishing sides of things.

Also yes, you're right, there just arent all that many very interesting topics on this part of the forum these days. I check this frequently, but lately I dont often find that there's all that much interesting to talk about with anyone. That fact is rather annoying, well okay, VERY annoying, but... cant do much about it. Sure I could start my own topics, but I guarantee nobody here would care, not with the sorts of games that I tend to be into. So I do that very rarely.

...but it sure as bloody hell beats the "major" gaming forums. Ugh. I cant stand those. At least HERE, flamewars arent really a thing and trolls are exceptionally rare. This is one of only two places where I actually discuss gaming with anyone.

You just go off on rants.
The user in question has been responding like that to threads he doesn't like the topic.
Said user has been hostile and aggressive to me and others.

You've never derailed threads by posting on how you hate the topic, and going off about what should be posted.
You've never acted hostile and aggressive to anyone
Lastly you've never encouraged others to break the rule regarding posting threads on topics (or in this case games that already exist. I've gotten warnings from staff for doing it on this and other boards).

I did report him with a strongly worded response, but I bet said user will go off the deep end because it's not original enough...

Said user new very well what the thread is about due to the title.
If said user didn't like it, he should have ignored it instead of spouting off and it probably would have died like practically every other thread that has been posted on this board.
WE literally have one, I REPEAT ONE ACTIVE THREAD! It is also the same thread that has lasted more than year.

Anyways Twilight Princess HD sold ~308k and Pokken is almost equal to SFV in sales in less than one month time in NA.

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14 Apr 2016, 10:42 pm

Hmm, good point there. It is indeed best to just avoid topics you dont care about.

Also Pokken being so close to SFV in sales is... very amusing info.


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14 Apr 2016, 10:46 pm

Misery wrote:
Hmm, good point there. It is indeed best to just avoid topics you dont care about.

Also Pokken being so close to SFV in sales is... very amusing info.

Well NeoGaf says it's due to Pokemon brand being strong and not due to Pokken being a competent fighter and having more content than SFV current.
Though I gave it a break to play TPHD...

The reason why this board is lacking "activity" is due to very few users actually bothering to post anything at all.

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15 Apr 2016, 10:23 pm

Those NPD charts don't take into account digital sales still, which really makes them completely worthless. I don't know anyone who buys games on physical media, most people buy everything digitally.


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15 Apr 2016, 10:31 pm

Enigmatic_Oddity wrote:
Those NPD charts don't take into account digital sales still, which really makes them completely worthless. I don't know anyone who buys games on physical media, most people buy everything digitally.

Dont be so sure.

On PC, yes, everyone buys everything digitally. Most games on PC have no physical releases.

But on consoles? Physical copies of all large games are easily found and alot of people seem to A: want physical copies because it means they "own" them, B: want physical copies so they can trade them in later if needed, or stuff like that. Or even just to be able to take the game disc over to a friend's house. Stuff like that. And lots of people out there still have very bad internet even these days, if someone's internet is just beyond awful, they're much less likely to digitally buy anything.

It'd be interesting to know what the real ratio of physical VS digital is for consoles.


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16 Apr 2016, 5:44 pm

Enigmatic_Oddity wrote:
Those NPD charts don't take into account digital sales still, which really makes them completely worthless. I don't know anyone who buys games on physical media, most people buy everything digitally.

Consoles and 3DS physical purchases make up 80%+ of total purchases.
You can easily see the lists of best selling games on PSN, XBL, and Nintendo Network.

PC in NA is the only full digital platform, PC in Europe, SA, Asia is still practically physical discs.

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18 Apr 2016, 7:46 am

I'm actually surprised that Zelda is doing so well, for a game that's been released three times now, and not really that long ago.

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...