BirdInFlight wrote:
I've been really into Farm Frenzy, Farmville 2 on Kindle, Gardens Inc 1 and 2, and lately Rush For Gold: California. I guess those are strategy based because of having to plan buildings and manage resources. I really get a kick out of them, but I'm getting so addicted I'm having to be very disciplined about limiting my time.
I have had the same problem had few times in my life. I play to much. Right now it is at a managable level.
Kiprobalhato wrote:
i was into Deer Hunter 2014 and QuizUp for a while.
my phone is really slow though.
Yeah Deer Hunter 2014 is a demanding game when it comes to hardware.
SabbraCadabra wrote:
I don't really use my cell phone unless I need to make an emergency phone call.
If I did play games on it, it would be DOOM RPG. I played it on my PC via an emulator, and it seemed pretty cool (kind of short, though).
Otherwise, I have numerous Nintendo handhelds that scratch that portable gaming itch.
I just love Doom. I have played Doom, Doom 2 and some Doom3. It's a classic.