Okay, so, maybe someone can explain to me just what this "Broketober" concept is?
I keep hearing about it, over and over and over, all I know is "something something game releases something October something mumble something". That's basically the extent of my knowledge. Being that I dont really follow AAA releases or similar things (usually), I'm curious as to just what exactly is releasing here that's so big? Other than Smash Bros. on DS. Already know that one, will be buying it when OH BUGGER it comes out in 3 days, I forgot, argh.
AHEM. But yes, that's about all I know. That and Shadow of Mordor, and I only know about that because my cousin told me directly, though looking at it I dont see the big deal with it.

Joined: 12 Dec 2013
Age: 31
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I thought most of the big-name AAA games typically came out around November, just in time for the Christmas rush. Whatever the case may be, I can see why many "hardcore" gamers would find themselves broke around this time of the year.
Anyway, you just reminded me, I was going through my stuff recently, and I realized that I may have lost a bunch of my Wii and Gamecube games during my last move. Thankfully, I still have some of my more-valuable games, which I specifically set aside, but aside from those and all the games I lended out to my mom and my friends, a good chunk of my collection seems to be missing.
the big AAAs are indeed typically released for christmas, but more and more companies try to beat the wave and prevent being sold-out (which hurts sales) by offering pre-order, usually with a small discount and the promise of getting the game a few days before the 'official' release.
it just so happens that these preorders come out in october, together with the new consoles.
next-gen consoled are released a bit before the first games onto it, so gamers can see the upgrades working on the 'old' games and get more exited about the options for new games, and even remasters.
myself, i'm a PC gamer rather then console, so broketober doesn't affect me, i just got my steam wishlist that emails me when there's a sale, happens all the time, so i can spread out my spendings. (well, that and the fact that most AAA games don't really bother me, most are the next call of duty, soccer manager or similar "popular game series"-X things)
Most big names are released but as we are aspies around here, I assume the lesser known games are bigger news (speaking for myself mostly, honestly, i like a lot of lesser known games and quite a few indie games that tend to be released "When they're Done")
TBH, I'm more of the "Summer Wallet Fever" or "Christmas Poverty" kind of guy. The one who buys everything during the Summer and Christmas sales only to notice, I have no money... DAMN YOU STEAM!! !! !
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