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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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19 Oct 2014, 1:20 pm

Hi Everyone,

Who is looking forward to Dragon Age: Inquisition being relased on the 17 November (in the US) and 21st November (in the EU and UK).

I've played Dragon Age Orgins, Awkening, and DA2 and looking forward to playing this game.

If any of you haven't played any of the Dragon Age games I suggest you should as they are great fun if you enjoy a good fanasty RPG.



Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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19 Oct 2014, 8:42 pm

I got Dragon Age: Origins for free recently, and I'm enjoying it. I hear Dragon Age 2 wasn't as good, but I'm looking forward to inquisition.


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19 Oct 2014, 8:53 pm

I haven't read any thing about it because I know it's one of those game I will defiantly play. I won't be picking up probably until next year some time though. I am excited for it, but I usually wait until games have gone down to $20 ($30 if it's something really good) on amazon and then pick them up. I enjoyed the other Dragon Age games a lot even though each one had it's flaws I think, but a pretty good series overall.

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21 Oct 2014, 2:05 pm

The Dragon Age games are my current obsession, plus the novels and comics and graphic novels and lore in general... The universe is just so vast, I love it! However, I'm sorely disappointed with how EA treated DA2 and I'm not sure how much I'm looking forward to DA:I because of EA being involved. They have ruined so many games and companies they should be gotten rid of themselves. DA2 was a disappointment, it didn't have the depth of Origins, I wanted to smack the companions constantly (except Varric) and I didn't feel as immersed as I did in Origins. In Origins, that character was mine, essentially me. But in DA2, I was just a character in a story that had already been told. Sure I could decide the fate of a few people, but the overall story was set in cement.

I'm really really hoping they do justice to DA:I and don't rip my hopes and dreams out and smash them into the rocks of despair like Peter Jackson did with the Hobbit. I'm at least glad they're going back to letting us choose our character and throwing in Qunari as well. And their romance options are a bit more reasonable and realistic. I'm hoping the combat is better, but most of all I want the story to be deep and intelligent. I love meat to my stories.
At least we might actually get to meet Alistair's mother, finally. Though I think she gets blown up... I really really hope not.

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21 Oct 2014, 2:47 pm

I agee Kamiyu910 as I read a few of the books and I love the whole DA universe as well and I have to agree with you with about DA2 with regards to the storyline is kinda of fixed in a few ways.

I'm just playing DA2 right now while I ait for the release of DAI on the 21st November to arrive.

If you haven't already I suggest you check out DAI PC Specs have been released so I hope you got a very meaty machine to run it.

Also, I hear they taken a few hints from Skyrim and have been in contact with the Devs at Frostbite so that's great.

One thing I am curious about Kamiyu910 is in your current playthroght of DA Orgins are you a Warrior, Mage, or Rogue? What race are you? I tend to play as a Human or Elf Mage.


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21 Oct 2014, 3:58 pm

Data001 wrote:
If you haven't already I suggest you check out DAI PC Specs have been released so I hope you got a very meaty machine to run it.

We're actually building a brand new gaming computer in February (oh how I wish we were building it now!) that way I can play it in all its glory. Right now, my laptop can barely run Origins without bogging down so I have to use my husband's computer, but his video card sucks so we're not sure it'll be able to handle DA:I very well, even though I preordered the game as soon as I could.

Data001 wrote:
One thing I am curious about Kamiyu910 is in your current playthroght of DA Orgins are you a Warrior, Mage, or Rogue? What race are you? I tend to play as a Human or Elf Mage.

Because I'm the kind of person who has to play everything... I've played mage, rogue, and warrior, in all races, played all origins. I prefer the mage, really. In Awakening especially, there's just something amazing about running around as an Arcane Warrior plus Battle Mage plus Spirit Healer. The enemy can hit me but it only heals me and damages them and even gives me extra mana! It's a cheaty cheater face combination but doggone I love it now and then.
I also love running around as a duel wielding rogue. I don't know why I don't like running around as a warrior. I usually enjoy being a beefstick taking and dealing damage, but maybe because it feels so slow compared to a duel wielding rogue. Mages are just plain flashy and long range, plus healing never gets old...
I usually play as an elf or human, rather than a dwarf, but I have played them all (male and female city, mage, and Dalish elves, male and female human mages and nobles, male and female dwarf nobles and casteless). I like how there are differences in how you're treated depending on what you are. The immersion is just awesome that way in Origin.

With DA2, the most I can do is see the differences in how my Hawke interacts with the companions, such as rival vs friend. With Anders, I discovered that it's actually better for Anders to rivalmance him because you can convince him to give up his plan and kind of separate him from Justice, although Justice takes him over and makes him blow up the chantry anyway. I love the dialogue on that route better. He's less a terrorist and more a prisoner in his own body and killing him is a lot more of a mercy than making him a martyr for his cause (granted I feel like he's more use healing everyone instead of dying...)

Which brings another interesting point in DA2's story. Siding with the mages or templars, while it doesn't change the story aside from making Hawke the Viscount or not, I can't seem to bring myself to side with oppression. I find that I really relate to the mages and their cause and while I don't agree with how Anders wants to go about doing things, I just can't condemn them either. I understand why the circle was created, but the leash the templars and chantry hold over the mages got tighter and tighter over the thousand years since the Circle and Chantry joined with the Inquisition, creating the templars. Fear should not rule man, nor should magic. Fearing magic is just as bad as letting magic use you.

:oops: Sorry I can really go on a rant about this stuff...

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21 Oct 2014, 8:59 pm

I didn't knew Dragon Age had such a vast universe. I might try to go find some of those books!
I played the first game but haven't finished, and now i'm thinking about going back and playing all through it since DA:I is looking so awesome.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Oct 2014, 5:38 am

Andrejake wrote:
I didn't knew Dragon Age had such a vast universe. I might try to go find some of those books!
I played the first game but haven't finished, and now i'm thinking about going back and playing all through it since DA:I is looking so awesome.

I just wanted to add that for those who have not played the game or haven't played DA2, that shortly before DAI is released there is Dragon Age Keep, an online editor of sorts, that allows new and existing players to create or re-create a new world based on over 300 choices that can be made in all from both DA games so you can jump right it.

Kamiyu910 You can rant all you like as I tend no to post much on gaming forums so it;s nice to talk to others about DA and other games such as MAss Effect series. Also, good for you in building a new rig as I got a nice rig but my GFx card is the major issue for me and not got really any spare cash to go out and get another gfx card so have to wait and see if I can play on it Med settings at least.


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22 Oct 2014, 6:04 am

Data001 wrote:
Andrejake wrote:
I didn't knew Dragon Age had such a vast universe. I might try to go find some of those books!
I played the first game but haven't finished, and now i'm thinking about going back and playing all through it since DA:I is looking so awesome.

I just wanted to add that for those who have not played the game or haven't played DA2, that shortly before DAI is released there is Dragon Age Keep, an online editor of sorts, that allows new and existing players to create or re-create a new world based on over 300 choices that can be made in all from both DA games so you can jump right it.

I don't know if i'm understanding it right. I searched about it here but couldn't understand completely.
This Dragon Age Keep application will allow me to make decisions so i can import them into my character on DA:I as if my character have played the two other games? This will help me understand the story even if i haven't played the first and second titles?

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22 Oct 2014, 10:37 am

Andrejake wrote:
I don't know if i'm understanding it right. I searched about it here but couldn't understand completely.
This Dragon Age Keep application will allow me to make decisions so i can import them into my character on DA:I as if my character have played the two other games? This will help me understand the story even if i haven't played the first and second titles?

Yes. I Dragon Age Keep can allow a new player like you to make choose waht your Warden done in Orgins and Awakening and waht choices you made as Hawke in DA2 and see thos choices relflected in DA:I.

Not much info has been released about it but from what has been released and from a few of the beta testers that have posted in the Bioware forums it's a web application that you go to and you can import your saves from the the other games or can create your world based on waht you choose and then import that into DAI.

Dragon Age Keep is going to be released either on the same day as DAI or a few days before so people have a chance to get things setup for when they start playing the game next month. For more info go here.


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22 Oct 2014, 11:10 am

I see.
I'm going to play at least the first game anyway, but i'm really curious about this app too. Thank you.


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22 Oct 2014, 11:39 am

Andrejake wrote:
I don't know if i'm understanding it right. I searched about it here but couldn't understand completely.
This Dragon Age Keep application will allow me to make decisions so i can import them into my character on DA:I as if my character have played the two other games? This will help me understand the story even if i haven't played the first and second titles?

There are so many choices in Origins! Canon is letting Alistair, the bastard prince, become king, but you could also have him executed, or send him off to be a wandering drunk, or keep him as a Warden! Whatever you choose, if you import your Origin save to DA2, he'll show up (unless you executed him). In Origins, you can kill EVERYONE. o.O
In DA2, there aren't that many choices that really impact the game's outcome. Mostly just do you side with the mages or templars? :/ I don't know how much bearing the smaller things you do will have on DA:I (such as letting Anders live, will he make a cameo? Gaider made mention that Justice might return, but nothing on anyone else, like what happens if you give Fenris back to his Tevinter magister? Will Fenris even make a cameo in DA:I?)

I'd love to know what happens with my Warden who follows Morrigan through the mirror in Witch Hunt, and what happens with the Old God child? Does my Dalish elf who "disappeared" come back? Or did she die alone? Did my mage go insane and become an abomination? I really hope they have answers in Inquisition or I'm going to be driven insane myself.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Oct 2014, 1:34 pm

kamiyu910 wrote:
There are so many choices in Origins! Canon is letting Alistair, the bastard prince, become king, but you could also have him executed, or send him off to be a wandering drunk, or keep him as a Warden! Whatever you choose, if you import your Origin save to DA2, he'll show up (unless you executed him). In Origins, you can kill EVERYONE. o.O
In DA2, there aren't that many choices that really impact the game's outcome. Mostly just do you side with the mages or templars? :/ I don't know how much bearing the smaller things you do will have on DA:I (such as letting Anders live, will he make a cameo? Gaider made mention that Justice might return, but nothing on anyone else, like what happens if you give Fenris back to his Tevinter magister? Will Fenris even make a cameo in DA:I?)

I'd love to know what happens with my Warden who follows Morrigan through the mirror in Witch Hunt, and what happens with the Old God child? Does my Dalish elf who "disappeared" come back? Or did she die alone? Did my mage go insane and become an abomination? I really hope they have answers in Inquisition or I'm going to be driven insane myself.

Again I agree with you Kamiyu910 and I love to chat about what you did in DAO with your warden as there are some things that I just can't do such as

Spoiler wrote:
Killing Logain in the landsmeet or having him be destryoed by killing the archdemon. KIlling Connor. Sacarficing Isolde using blood magic. Destorying Andraste Ashes. Letting Harrowmount or the other drawf leader have access to the Anvil of the void. .

Anyway, love to chat more about DAO and DA2 as wanting it to be Nove,ber the 21st already so I can get my DA fix.


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23 Oct 2014, 3:21 pm

Oh, I just realized I've probably given away too many spoilers? I get way too caught up in it, hopefully it didn't ruin anything.

And is it a spoiler to talk about Alistair's mother and hoping to find some sort of closure with her in Inquisition?

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23 Oct 2014, 4:28 pm

kamiyu910 wrote:
Oh, I just realized I've probably given away too many spoilers? I get way too caught up in it, hopefully it didn't ruin anything.

And is it a spoiler to talk about Alistair's mother and hoping to find some sort of closure with her in Inquisition?

I understand and I don't anyone is too worried about it but I just it best to put thosr event in a spoiler tag just in case. As far as Alister mother's there are rumors going around about her and waht may happen to her in Inquisition as the BIoware forums are filled with thoses about how she may end getting
Spoiler wrote:
being killed very early on in the game by what happens, at the start of the Inquisition, in Haven

Kamlyu910 I love it that you and i can talk about the game either in this thread so others can join in or via the PM system so we can compre notes on how the choices we made in DAO, Awaking, DA2, and DAI that can affect our games.

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25 Oct 2014, 3:48 pm

Just a quick update to let everyone know that on the 29 October Dragon Age Keep will be open to the public as an Open Beta so you can create your DAI world state ready to import that into DAI when it is released later in November.

Dragon Age Keep is way of creating a world based on your choices that you make in DAO and DA2. If you have DAO or DA2 already then DA Keep will import your Hawke and your warden from DAO.

