Where did this "Roblox vs. Minecraft" crap start?

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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14 Aug 2014, 9:27 am

Ok, I'm being serious here. I'm sick and tired of people from each side saying that "ROBLOX COPIED MINECRAFT!! !!11!" or "MINECRAFT COPIED ROBLOX!! !!111!!" because to be quite honest, it's obnoxious enough that we usually get flame wars on this subject matter. But (for me at the least, you don't have to agree), it's even worse that fans of one of the games will try to make the opposite side look bad and their side look like gold.

As for my opinion, I like both games, that's it.

So I have to ask, where did all of this start??

P.S.: I know it sounds stupid why I'm asking, but to be quite honest, I really don't know how it all began. :?

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14 Aug 2014, 9:41 am



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14 Aug 2014, 11:19 am

My theory: It started on bloody Youtube. In the comments. It's one of the easiest places for arguements to start, and Youtube is designed in such a way as to make it easy for "similar" videos to show up for you. So if you're watching alot of Minecraft stuff, sooner or later it's going to throw vids of Roblox or Terraria or any of the others, and this leads to finding out that those games exist. ....which then leads to "ZOMG they copied MY game! I better teach them a lesson!".

Me, I'm a big fan of Minecraft. Probably my favorite game ever. But even so, I know what it IS, and what it ISNT.

Even Minecraft itself was not totally original. Notch got the inspiration from a game called Infiniminer (which was more of a competetive thing, but did the "voxel" block terrain and the digging/building in it's arenas during matches), and combined that concept with ideas from certain other games (like Dwarf Fortress), while of course sticking his own ideas in there. And he came up with a winning formula.

And while the vast majority of voxel-based building/exploring/digging/crafting/whatever games do indeed take alot of inspiration from Minecraft, Roblox is actually too old for that to be true (proven on Wikipedia, where it took me all of 10 seconds to learn when it originally popped up). It was released in an early form years before Minecraft. Likely, the game was actually influenced by Legos and similar building toys in it's earliest incarnations. And hell, the gameplay is VERY different. The building aspect is pretty much the only similarity from what I've seen.

In other words, NEITHER is copying or inspired by the other. They merely happen to use blocks, that can be placed/removed and arranged into things. The arguement is bloody stupid.

The derpy part is, those same people whining will often then go pick up and play a game like Terraria and see NOTHING wrong with it. Because contradiction.

Part of it, honestly, is likely that alot of people just have this bizarre NEED to argue. It's like the Dota VS League arguements, which are very, very similar, and just as bloody stupid and endless. Do they need to argue about those? Does it accomplish anything? Hell no. But they'll do it anyway, because the games are similar and "one copied the other". Sigh. And it is so with this comparison as well.

And you're right, there's ALWAYS that need to bash whichever game they're NOT playing, even if their reasons are bloody stupid.

This sort of thing happens in all genres, and it tends to absolutely just melt the brains of jerks like that if you happen to play and enjoy BOTH games, whatever they may be. Suddenly they're not sure if they should praise you or insult you. Can actually be pretty hilarious, really.... and kinda proves the petty stupidity of the whole thing.

Really, the only way to deal with it is to pretend it isnt there.

Snowy Owl
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14 Aug 2014, 11:50 am

Very well said. :)

You're right on the fact that both games are different, they just both use blocks and the concept of building/destroying things. Yet the people that start the quarrels like to take these simple little things and blow them out of bloody proportion just so they have something to argue back with, because like you said, they need to quench their thirst for arguing for some odd reason.


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15 Aug 2014, 7:17 pm

i had never heard of roblox until now, from my quick research it appears roblox had been out for a few years before minecraft, so wouldn't that mean minecraft copied roblox and not the other way around if people were to be arguing on this pointless subject, i could care less, fanboys/fangirls that argue about stuff like this usually just make up stuff to "prove" their non-sensical point, if people are going to argue about something they should at least use facts instead of making stuff up to justify the investment they made in to a system or game or comic or whatever it is, ugh i hate those people


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23 Nov 2014, 3:25 pm

Well, as a common biulding game fan myself, I have pretty much NO opinion on "Oh, this really fun game is better than this sucky game right here." stuff. So, I'm really not a part of these kind of flame wars right here that often. I kinda agree with the first commenter right here though. Getting worked up over a small coincidence is kinda like a piece of glass getting broken. So, (4TH WALL BREAKING INCOMING!) stop complaining about these coinidences people! It's Just. A Biulding Game. Stop complaining. Please. O3O (That's a kitty face)

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