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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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26 Dec 2014, 11:13 am

I utterly hated it when Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance turned Master Xehanort into a time-traveling Sosuke Aizen and made everyone else look weak and dumb in his presence.

Snowy Owl
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26 Dec 2014, 11:39 am

The part on Star Fox Adventures Dinosaur Planet, where Fox and General Claws (I think that was his name) were about to fight but Andross eliminated him for failing and Fox fights Andross(who has a questionably awful voice actor) instead.

I wanted to fight General Claws so bad cause he is such a jerk and deserves to get his butt kick.

It reminded me on how the All Signs Point To Lauderdale music video ended when the bullies were gonna get whooped by the bullied. BUT IT CUT OFF! I was so mad..... :evil:

I dress anyway want I to, do anything I want to, be anything I want to, cause I got the right to! I is talkin to you(ppl who "oppress" us), boo!----PizzA TimE!! !

Snowy Owl
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26 Dec 2014, 11:43 am

AlanSmithee wrote:
I utterly hated it when Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance turned Master Xehanort into a time-traveling Sosuke Aizen and made everyone else look weak and dumb in his presence.

That reminded me of this horrible stable(group) in the WWE called Revolution with Randy Orton as the leader and Cody Rhodes and Ted DeBiase as his followers(lackeys).

What annoyed me was how they made it look like Randy Orton ALWAYS needed their help just to win a match.

I am so glad they disbanded! :lol:

I dress anyway want I to, do anything I want to, be anything I want to, cause I got the right to! I is talkin to you(ppl who "oppress" us), boo!----PizzA TimE!! !

Sea Gull
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26 Dec 2014, 11:49 am

Pizzagal3000 wrote:
The part on Star Fox Adventures Dinosaur Planet, where Fox and General Claws (I think that was his name) were about to fight but Andross eliminated him for failing and Fox fights Andross(who has a questionably awful voice actor) instead.

I wanted to fight General Claws so bad cause he is such a jerk and deserves to get his butt kick.

It reminded me on how the All Signs Point To Lauderdale music video ended when the bullies were gonna get whooped by the bullied. BUT IT CUT OFF! I was so mad..... :evil:

They could've at least given General Scales the proper boss treatment before having Andross chump him.

And given Andross a better voice, too.

Snowy Owl
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26 Dec 2014, 12:11 pm

AlanSmithee wrote:
They could've at least given General Scales the proper boss treatment before having Andross chump him.

And given Andross a better voice, too.

Right! Like, I wanted to get him back for all the annoying stuff he got away with.

Oh. "Scales." Its been a while since I even played that one.

Another good game with a bad scene to it was the arcade version of Double Dragon 1. I get it. Jimmy is the villain. But why didn't they make up a special, exclusive arcade character that you could pick to work with Billy on the co-op?

Its so stupid that Billy(1st player) has to battle Jimmy(2nd player). Cause if Jimmy wins, its like...gameover. No alternate ending or nothing. Just a big ol' GAME OVER and horrible, down-putting music to play along with it. What a waste! :(

I dress anyway want I to, do anything I want to, be anything I want to, cause I got the right to! I is talkin to you(ppl who "oppress" us), boo!----PizzA TimE!! !

Sea Gull
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26 Dec 2014, 7:23 pm

And the worst thing about the KH:DDD example above was that it just shattered the credibility of all the heroes' past sacrifices and made prior installments like Birth By Sleep nigh-pointless.

I swear, the only reason to like MX now is Leonard Nimoy's voice acting. Other than that, worst Disney / Square Enix villain ever.


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26 Dec 2014, 10:35 pm

These are mostly gameplay based moments but:

Those moments in Zelda since Ocarina where it stops being Zelda and becomes a lame tear collecting sequence or crappy stealth sequence

Any time any game forces you to win a minigame to continue

Unlock requirements that can't be met unless you're a freaking GOD. I'm looking at you Smash Bros....

that moment you realize we'll probably never have every Fire Emblem, Chibi-Robo, Starfy or Mother game in English

that moment you discover you didn't actually beat the game, you still have 2 hours to go....Epic Mickey is guilty of that one, it just drags on a little too long.

THAT Chico tape in MGSV: Ground Zeroes. If you don't know what I'm talking about look it up, I refuse to explain it here....too disturbing.

Any moment the difficulty shoots up 1000%....umm, learn how to properly balance the difficulty devs.

Ore Sanjou!


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28 Dec 2014, 2:38 am

Anytime an Assassin's Creed game makes you "tail" someone...

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Snowy Owl
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28 Dec 2014, 7:59 am

The moment I realized how wack the controls were, characters, and weapons are in the Silent Hill series.

I dress anyway want I to, do anything I want to, be anything I want to, cause I got the right to! I is talkin to you(ppl who "oppress" us), boo!----PizzA TimE!! !


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28 Dec 2014, 10:23 am

Dox47 wrote:
Anytime an Assassin's Creed game makes you "tail" someone...

Ugh...I loved AC4, but man did that suck. Why was every other mission like that?

Anytime you're about to win a race, only to get nailed by EVERY FREAKING ITEM POSSIBLE in the span of 2 seconds right at the finish line in Mario Kart

bailing in the middle of a combo worth billions of points in a THPS game....

anytime you're at the mercy of an RNG...I'm looking at you Smash Bros 3DS....

Ore Sanjou!


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28 Dec 2014, 3:33 pm

I would have enjoyed the Harvest Moon: Friends/More friends of Mineral Town games for the GBA a lot more if it wasn't for the mini-games I have to play with the Harvest Sprites to train them. I just really hate them, even though they supposedly make the sprites better at farming. And they get harder as the Sprites' skills increase. I especially hate the memory crop mini game where you to remember where the hidden crops were all planted and you get a bonus if you find them in the correct order. I don't have a very good short-term memory and after more than three veggies are hidden it gets really hard. I always make sure I save just before visiting the sprites to play their annoying games.

I also am not fond of having to drop all my farming/visiting/wooing activities to go take my dog down to the beach to play Frisbee, although it's worth it if you win the disc-throwing event.


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28 Dec 2014, 3:46 pm

I think most people who've played Paper Mario: TTYD for GC will agree that the two really annoying parts in the game are where Mario's identity is stolen in Twilight Town, and then later when you search for General White and go to all the different places you've been to already only to have the characters tell you he just left, and then when you finally do find him he's asleep and you have to stomp him several times before he finally wakes up, although that was a fun way of getting rid of your frustration at him. And the story of Mario being kind to the abused Shadow Sister and helping her even when he was in so much trouble is pretty sweet. :)


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29 Dec 2014, 12:48 am

lostonearth35 wrote:
I think most people who've played Paper Mario: TTYD for GC will agree that the two really annoying parts in the game are where Mario's identity is stolen in Twilight Town, and then later when you search for General White and go to all the different places you've been to already only to have the characters tell you he just left, and then when you finally do find him he's asleep and you have to stomp him several times before he finally wakes up, although that was a fun way of getting rid of your frustration at him. And the story of Mario being kind to the abused Shadow Sister and helping her even when he was in so much trouble is pretty sweet. :)

eh, those sequences were a bit annoying but they didn't bother the entirety of Sticker Star on the other hand, that whole game is a bad moment in a great series.

trying to get ANYWHERE in Kirby & the Amazing Mirror...seriously, the map is IMPOSSIBLE to read. Why the heck didn't they do a freaking strategy guide?

the part in Sin & Punishment: Star Successor where Kachi gets captured & you have to alternate shooting between the 2 sides of the lift....

the Imprisoned....worst boss EVER in the history of video games ( well, based on the ones I've personally played )

the Spirit Train....seriously, it has 2 modes: boring as heck and cheap annoying bs

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30 Dec 2014, 11:21 pm

newageretrohippie wrote:

the Imprisoned....worst boss EVER in the history of video games ( well, based on the ones I've personally played )

I've heard too many jokes now about his white 'marshmallow toes' to take him seriously anymore. Plus he looks like a giant walking avocado. He truly is quite lulzy. :mrgreen:

Worst parts for me:

Babysitting aka *ahem* escort missions. I don't mind them as much when the character you're 'escorting' has decent enough health and either has the sense to a. stay the heck out of the way or b. have a good means of defending themselves. But too often I'll get a dude that runs right into the line of fire and and doesn't have good health, making it very tedious and frustrating to even finish. One noted example of this was when I played Jedi Outcast and I had to 'escort' R2D2 down a hall to a ship, only this hall had tons of trip-mines and snipers shooting at you through big open windows. Once you opened the door to this hall, R2 would proceed to run through ALL the tripmines and stay in easy view of ALL of the snipers shooting through the windows. If he blew up (as he often did) it would result in a game over. And there was no way to get him to get him to deviate once he was rolling on his set path, which made the whole thing very aggravating. I eventually learned the 'trick' to trap him in a corner while I cleared the snipers and mines, so it made that part a lot more fun to do. But often in many games, the babysitting is a royal pain.

Stealth. Some of it's alright, but I don't generally like it. I didn't like A Link Between World's stealth mission when you had to sneak past the guards, the magic meter would almost never last long enough (even as I got the 'upgrade') and I would inevitably pop out from my painting form just when the guards would see me. It was really irritating, and would easily be my least favorite part of the game.

Timed missions. With very very few exceptions, I just hate these. I hate being rushed like that, and timed missions (unless they are portraying an escape or a reactor meltdown) just suck. It's an artificial way to add 'urgency' and it is unpleasant to be made to rush for a reason like this. Jet Set Radio had this kind of thing so I'm glad Future got rid of it altogether.

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31 Dec 2014, 12:08 am

Metalwolf wrote:
newageretrohippie wrote:

the Imprisoned....worst boss EVER in the history of video games ( well, based on the ones I've personally played )

I've heard too many jokes now about his white 'marshmallow toes' to take him seriously anymore. Plus he looks like a giant walking avocado. He truly is quite lulzy. :mrgreen:

Worst parts for me:

Babysitting aka *ahem* escort missions. I don't mind them as much when the character you're 'escorting' has decent enough health and either has the sense to a. stay the heck out of the way or b. have a good means of defending themselves. But too often I'll get a dude that runs right into the line of fire and and doesn't have good health, making it very tedious and frustrating to even finish. One noted example of this was when I played Jedi Outcast and I had to 'escort' R2D2 down a hall to a ship, only this hall had tons of trip-mines and snipers shooting at you through big open windows. Once you opened the door to this hall, R2 would proceed to run through ALL the tripmines and stay in easy view of ALL of the snipers shooting through the windows. If he blew up (as he often did) it would result in a game over. And there was no way to get him to get him to deviate once he was rolling on his set path, which made the whole thing very aggravating. I eventually learned the 'trick' to trap him in a corner while I cleared the snipers and mines, so it made that part a lot more fun to do. But often in many games, the babysitting is a royal pain.

Stealth. Some of it's alright, but I don't generally like it. I didn't like A Link Between World's stealth mission when you had to sneak past the guards, the magic meter would almost never last long enough (even as I got the 'upgrade') and I would inevitably pop out from my painting form just when the guards would see me. It was really irritating, and would easily be my least favorite part of the game.

Timed missions. With very very few exceptions, I just hate these. I hate being rushed like that, and timed missions (unless they are portraying an escape or a reactor meltdown) just suck. It's an artificial way to add 'urgency' and it is unpleasant to be made to rush for a reason like this. Jet Set Radio had this kind of thing so I'm glad Future got rid of it altogether.

Oh yeah....I HATE all that shtako with a fiery passion. And guess what? Skyward Sword is guilty on all counts. As for the bs stealth sequence in A Link Between Worlds, there's only ONE part I hated more: the stupid shell game you have to go through with the Poes to reach the Master Sword ( a perfect example of forcing players to do some asinine minigame to continue in the story... ). If I want to play a minigame, I will. Don't force me to do so to finish the basic storyline....

Online requirements...unless it's an MMO, there is NO reason to basically tell people who bought the game they aren't allowed to play it offline. Rock Band Blitz does this, and it frustrates me to no end.

Tailing missions....yup, eff you too Assassin's Creed series.

Ore Sanjou!


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31 Dec 2014, 12:13 am

I'm thirding escort missions; why do game designers still think people enjoy them?

Also, platforming sequences in first person games; looking at you, Far Cry 3 and 4.

What is it with Ubisoft and gaming pet peeves?

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