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29 Jan 2015, 4:37 pm

Heads up, all!

EA is having an sale and I THINK Titanfall deluxe edition is on sale on both 360 and one for 70% off.

I figure there's an reason why it's at this stupid price but if you did or ARE still playing this game... What do you enjoy about it the most?
Or are you tempted to buy at this stupid price? And why?

Help as aspie out!
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29 Jan 2015, 8:32 pm

I never liked the looks of that game. "COD with Robots", blah blah. Maybe if it had a decent campaign I would pay more attention to it.


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30 Jan 2015, 4:26 am

staremaster wrote:
I never liked the looks of that game. "COD with Robots", blah blah. Maybe if it had a decent campaign I would pay more attention to it.

That's what alot of people said.... typically without trying it. In reality, it doesnt really play like that, aside from the fact that the guns have little variation between them (sigh).

The extreme, absurd amount of mobility is what makes the game what it is; as opposed to the extremely static paths through maps in your typical shooter. It also creates a VERTICAL element to the maps (without just using things like stairs and whatnot) that other shooters simply do not have. The amount of freedom these things offer give you a really high amount of possible paths you can take to get to any objective. While the Titans themselves provide a different dynamic; you cant just snipe and headshot these guys, they're a totally different entity from the usual. They play/control very differently from the Pilots, so they break things up nicely.

All in all, it's a pretty good game.... and I say this as someone that normally seriously hates modern shooters like CoD. It's the first one in a LONG time to actually try some new ideas.

As for the bit about the campaign.... people said that alot, but the devs realized something: In the end, the campaign just doesnt matter all that much. The majority of fans of these games will play the campaign exactly ONCE, it's typically pretty short, and then the next 5000 hours with the game are entirely done in multiplayer modes, since those are the entire point to begin with. Fighting games are exactly like that too, they typically have TERRIBLE singleplayer stuff.... but this doesnt matter in the slightest, because nobody plays fighting games for the singleplayer stuff. Only Smash is an exception.

Heads up, all!

EA is having an sale and I THINK Titanfall deluxe edition is on sale on both 360 and one for 70% off.

I figure there's an reason why it's at this stupid price but if you did or ARE still playing this game... What do you enjoy about it the most?
Or are you tempted to buy at this stupid price? And why?

The reason why it's been so heavily (and often) discounted: The game didnt do NEARLY as well as it could have. EA made about a billionty mistakes with it; as usual, their meddling corrupted a product that the actual developers could have made MUCH better if EA hadnt been involved. They obsessed over graphics and showpiece moments, they obsessed over having many maps (as opposed to other content), and they basically stuck in a half-assed "campaign" that just wasnt necessary to begin with, and that is also so freaking weird and annoying that nobody liked it. While they COULD have spent time instead on adding more content that the game needed; more gun variety, alot more "kits" and equipment and whatnot, more Titan types and equipment for them... all of these things would have added a ton to the experience, but as usual, EA understands a whole lot of nothing and never learns from past mistakes, so just like with Simcity, it was all about "make it as shiny as possible, and to heck with the CONTENT, who needs that once the consumer has already payed for it?". Since content makes for depth in this type of game (the more possibilities for loadouts, the better), it is often percieved as shallow, and there isnt that much variety outside of the maps themselves.

And then, because the guys at EA are about as bright as a sack of hammers, they all stand around like morons afterwards going "I dont get it! Where did we go wrong? I just cant figure it out!". It's pretty much what happened with Simcity (which is so bad that I just label it as a "tragedy"), and even Sims 4.

And beyond that, there was the nightmare that was the absolutely broken matchmaker that wasnt really fixed; at least, on the PC version. It was SERIOUSLY busted, and heavily damaged the experience and was amazingly frustrating.

I like the game, but after the matchmaking problems and watching EA stumble around looking all sorts of stupid, I havent actually played in awhile. I might jump back into it though. Even though I'm bad at it.


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30 Jan 2015, 11:48 am

^^I think single player campaigns are more important than some devs realize. You say that the Titanfall devs figured out that the campaign wasn't so important, but that the game wasn't as popular as it could be. Can you imagine the COD machine putting out an installment without a campaign? A lot of people play for that, albeit not as many as go in for the fast-paced multipllayer.


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30 Jan 2015, 11:59 am

staremaster wrote:
^^I think single player campaigns are more important than some devs realize. You say that the Titanfall devs figured out that the campaign wasn't so important, but that the game wasn't as popular as it could be. Can you imagine the COD machine putting out an installment without a campaign? A lot of people play for that, albeit not as many as go in for the fast-paced multipllayer.


I didn't play this game because it has no real single player campaign. I don't play multiplayer games so this game was of no interest. If it had a decent single player campaign/story, this would have been a day 1 purchase for me.


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30 Jan 2015, 9:21 pm

Specifically, I meant that this game was pushed as a pure multiplayer experience from day 1; but yeah, that's pretty much the approach the devs wanted with it. And frankly, considering everything in it and what the background story in the game actually IS.... an actual "story" mode probably would have been fantastically awful anyway. If you didnt buy it because of the lack of that, it's not the game for you anyway (very very definitely not), so you're not missing out as it is. Literally every single game mechanic, *all* of them, is designed with multiplayer in mind. With CoD, that's not always the case (as the series did not originally have a "pure multiplayer" base in it's design, way back when)

In the end, I definitely prefer the fighting-game-ish "dont bother with it much" approach. If I'm going to spend 400 hours playing a game, I'd rather all the effort not go into the part that takes 8 of those hours and then ends for good (and that will probably bore me anyway). And it would have taken them AWHILE. Considering the game mechanics and just HOW they mesh together, putting together a campaign mode (that actually worked) would have been a freaking nightmare for them, design-wise, and it'd be almost inevitable that it'd be craptastic (and very possibly entirely broken) in the end.

Though in my case it doesnt matter, for how it is now; I dont play story modes in any game to begin with.


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31 Jan 2015, 2:23 am

If the PC version is on sale, I'll get it.