mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
People get way too worked up over online games. : <
TheSpectrum wrote:
OP, just play how you want to play, but tone down the aggression. No one, however much they have disappointed you in a GAME, needs to be dealing with that.
I don't think either of you get the point. When you want to play with a friend on a game, then you'd probably feel a little betrayed if they suddenly went off and started playing with somebody that they don't even know rather than yourself. It'd be more so if they started slandering you meaninglessly because of your evident frustration with them for going off and refusing to play with you because people they don't even know can boost them faster.
Strangely, it appears to be the inverse of what both of you are claiming; the OP wants to be with his friend, and his friend is more focused on the game to care about him.
He's the one taking a game too seriously, sacrificing a friendship for the sake of it.
Such is life, that expressing yourself and the truth has you berated.