DerStadtschutz wrote:
The games have become so much more complex and complicated, yet easy at the same time. You get stupid "achievements" for EVERYTHING, including things you can't really avoid unless you just never play the game, which totally defeats the purpose of buying the damn thing.
They've also made sequels into COMPLETE f***ing rehashes to the point where the 2nd game plays like the first one with just a bunch of new skins slapped over the damn models(That's right, COD, I'm talking about you).
The games I grew up with were friggin' relentless at times. All these kids brag and brag and brag about how good they are at call of duty. That means NOTHING. Go beat the original ghosts 'n goblins for NES, then we'll talk.
I think you would enjoy demons souls.
The points you made here pretty much summarises what I think, too. I tend to just ignore the achievements since they don't matter to me, and crazy achievement maniacs can judge me however they like
Female, 16
Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are fruits. It takes wisdom to know not to put them in a fruit salad.