A thread in this sub forum ("Whatever happened to Dungeons and Dragons?") got me to thinking.
Can we have a roll call of all Table-Top Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs) players, their nearest city, and their top 5 favorite RPGs? It would go something like this ...
Fnord - Anaheim
AD&D 2nd Edition
Traveller (Classic, GURPS, & Mongoose)
Star Wars
Perhaps if enough players live close enough to each other, they can arrange a meet-up and have some good, geeky fun!
Note: Let's keep this thread strictly on-topic, please. No derails to discussions of on-line games, which RPG system is better, which character class or race is the best, or why you think that RPGs are demonic, and/or why you think that RPG players are all going to Hell. Thank you.