Only if I can be fairly sure that I'll end up in a game that isn't what D&D usually is like.
It seems like the standard setting is heavily biased towards Lawful Good (which seems like a contradiction to me )
I haven't played that many characters, but so I've had a Chaotic Evil Monk (alignment isn't generally an issue with that group) Hauc Feng (Chinese for Black Wind). He wasn't especially evil, but he was very random. He seemed nuts, but he may have been less insane than he seemed. Pretty hilarious character. Oh yeah, and in that game he changed gender about 3 or 4 times. He took it disturbingly well.
Another time with the same group, I had a Rogue Inventor type (there were no non human civilizations in this game). He was an ex revolutionary who was with some union. Something of a contrast to the other character as this one was completely selfless.
I'm planning on setting up one game in which all the players are races traditionally considered 'monsters'. It's looking like it's going to be one fun train wreck. It seems likely that it's going to have a strong 'evil' pull. (MWA HA HA!) It's going to have some interesting themes in it, that many of the players are going to be rejecting morality is going to lend a nice twist to it. (I'm hoping I can get at least one strong moral character in. Half the fun is going to be the interpersonal conflict in the party ^_^)
I don't think you get it