Here's something from an FAQ....
MP Hunters FAQ by Deathborn 668 wrote:
Fault Line
Bioform-Arctic Spawn
Lore-Alimbic War 09
Lore-Alimbic Prophecy 08
Lore-Seal Sphere 01
Object-Shock Barrier
Fault Line is an even larger room than Sic Transit. At first it seems quite
tiny, but you will soon unlock passages to upper levels. There are several
passages ahead of you. Take the right path to find several scans. Several
Quatroids lurk this area. Use several Missiles and stand well away from them
while you kill them. Nothing is scarier than seeing their large teeth randomly
appear all over your visor. Not pretty. To the left is an electrical barrier
spitting out some how voltage every now and then. Scan the Shock Barrier [197]
for the Logbook.
Head out of the passage again and enter the others. You need to destroy all
of the Quatroids in each passageway to clear an objective in this room. If
you head further down the right passageway then you will find a hidden Lore
entry only visible to the Scan Visor. It is located on the right wall. Scan
Alimbic War 09 [198].
If you continue through the hallway you will find even more Quatroids. You
can dispose of them now or wait a few seconds after you collect another scan
up ahead. With the Scan Visor still on you will find Seal Sphere 01 located
on the wall. Having that been scanned you will find several force fields
blocking your progress. In order to lift them you need to destroy the remaining
Quadtroids that reside in this region of the room. Head back through either of
the passages and kill whatever you find. You may also stumble upon an Artifact
behind a force field. It is unobtainable for now.
Once all of the Quadtroids have been destroyed you will be shown a scene where
the force fields at the end of the room have been deactivated. Head through
the small tunnel that either one guarded. They lead to the same open area.
A Red Blast Shield is located on a door on the left wall.
Before being able to head over to it you will be ambushed by Arctic Spawn.
What a creative name. Arctic Spawn attacks and is killable the same way that
Fire Spawn was. Arctic Spawn will grab snow off the ground and fling it full
force at Samus's current location. Keep moving in a circle around the room
so it is easy that the beast will miss. Instead of being weak to ice, Arctic
Spawn is weak to fire and the Magmaul packs just that. Shoot the Magmaul at
his exposed face whenever possible. It won't take long for his health to be
depleated and he doesn't get much harder than that.
Once you have killed off Arctic Spawn a large red orb will be in its place.
Scan the obkect [201] then grab the Imperialist. This will complete your
collection of six sub-weapons.
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...