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17 Dec 2014, 10:06 pm

When we have games, things that are made for entertainment, that are literally just about killing innocent people because you hate them all, there is something incredibly wrong with the world.

I just saw a gamespot article about this game. I'd never heard of it before and I kinda wish I never did. This game is exactly why people say video games cause violence. It has been referred to as a Columbine simulator.
People say "there's already violent video games like Grand Theft Auto, whats the difference?"
In other violent games like Grand Theft Auto, you can go around killing innocent civilians but thats not the point of the game. Hatred is literally just about killing innocent people because you hate everyone. You prepare, put on a trenchcoat, then go slaughtering and then it seems you either just see how long you can last, or kill yourself after killing everyone. It really does feel like they want to put you in the shoes of a f*****g psychopath and that they're glorifying the murder of hundreds of innocent people.

But so many people are defending it. Bringing up their freedoms (while simultaneously allowing the Government to take real freedoms away) "no, dont take away out freedom to virtually slaughter people, but by all means, don't allow us privacy or justice system that actually works". Ugh...
Obviously, playing any violent video game isn't going to make someone go out and start killing people.
But when a game focuses solely on murdering innocent people specifically because the main character hates the world (which a lot of people can relate to in some way), allowing people to live out their dark fantasy, it's putting a fun spin on something horrible, glorifying it and desensitizing the player.

How can people not see that this is a really, really bad thing? I used to be all for games letting you play the game bad, movies focusing on the bad guys more and making them more likeable. But this is getting way out of hand.


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17 Dec 2014, 11:28 pm

This article presents 2 studies of the association of media violence rates with societal violence rates. In the first study, movie violence and homicide rates are examined across the 20th century and into the 21st (1920–2005). Throughout the mid-20th century small-to-moderate correlational relationships can be observed between movie violence and homicide rates in the United States. This trend reversed in the early and latter 20th century, with movie violence rates inversely related to homicide rates. In the second study, videogame violence consumption is examined against youth violence rates in the previous 2 decades. Videogame consumption is associated with a decline in youth violence rates. Results suggest that societal consumption of media violence is not predictive of increased societal violence rates.


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18 Dec 2014, 12:53 am

This game exists for one reason, and one reason only: The developers arent very good at design, so they're using "controversy OMG" to sell their game and get it out there and seen by people.

In other words, a craptastic attempt at a money grab for a game where they didnt have to put much design effort into it.

It's pathetic, really. And the really DUMB part is that even if their silly little plan works, these idiots havent thought AT ALL about what it'll permanently do to their reputation as a developer. The morons. Publishers and critics are already bashing the hell out of them and the game, and refusing to carry it in most places. This is as it should be. If those places ALLOWED such a thing, that'd be even MORE pathetic.


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18 Dec 2014, 1:35 am

They could be building simulations in the pursuit of saving countless lives and the result of thousands of man-hours learning physics engines is this abomination? How the hell can developers not understand the laws of robotics? I'm getting really sick of neo-fascism and its' disgusting side effects. Just how fracking much impending doom will folks really tolerate?

*sigh* This lowers techies of all kinds. :cry:

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18 Dec 2014, 9:52 am

It's one of the most popular Greenlight games on Steam at the moment.


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18 Dec 2014, 10:11 am

Humanaut wrote:
It's one of the most popular Greenlight games on Steam at the moment.

Sadly, this appears to be true.

Bloody stupid, really.

And Steam Greenlight... it's meant to filter out crap like this. And I dont mean just filtering out offensive things, no no no. I mean filtering out genuinely bad games, which I suspect this will be. I mean, if they NEED controversy to A: get their game known, and B: sell it whatsoever, chances are their skill level as developers is downright abysmal. Normally, devs with skill that low cannot get a game through Greenlight easily at all.

But just looking at some of the comments confirms my suspicions on what I figured would happen. You've got lots and lots of people that think it's so damn cool if they support something like that, it just makes them soooooo edgy (sigh). Then you get the ones that will support it because it's "sticking it to the man!" by going against censoring. Then you get even more that'll do it because suddenly it's the popular thing to do. So you get alot of people both buying and playing it.... but not because they actually thought it looked any good.

That all being said though, I still do abhor anyone that would make a game that does use the concepts and such that this crap does. And no, I'm not the hypocritical sort: I dont already play games like Grand Theft Auto, which I already loathe for pretty much those same reasons. It's one thing to have a game where I run around obliterating evil ninjas or something... it's a whole other thing to have a game where I run around graphically murdering innocents. Just.... ugh.

I remember a time when games got by PURELY on their gameplay, and this stupid flashy controversial crap wasnt needed, and neither was blood or gore or any of that junk. And as usual, my perpetual wish that I could go back to that time is as strong as ever.


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18 Dec 2014, 10:19 am

It's just a game.


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18 Dec 2014, 10:44 am

Errmmm.... dare I say that looks . . . . . fun :twisted:

Only available for PC, though. Damn

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18 Dec 2014, 10:51 am

I'm not a huge fan of isometric shooters, but I might buy it if the reviews are good.


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18 Dec 2014, 11:18 am

Humanaut wrote:
It's just a game.

Yes, but it'd be no different if it were a movie or TV show, or any other form of media (and people rarely say "it's just a movie", at least not even CLOSE to as often as "it's just a game"). At some point, there needs to be limits to how far stuff like this goes, regardless of what form it takes.

Not to mention that for being "just a game", it manages to have the actual effect of making people act like morons towards each other, arguing and yelling and writing articles (which inevitably cause even more yelling), which tends to happen when controversy surrounds basically anything. Yet ANOTHER reason why it needn't exist. There's enough damn stupid controversial crap in the world as it is. Dont need MORE. Particularly when the "more" takes the form of something THIS stupid. It's like watching cavemen punch each other to decide who gets to bash their face into a rock first. I dont know where I got that line from.

And yes, I love isometric shooters myself.... but I"d rather play one that, you know, DOESNT blow goat chunks. I'm not entirely certain what goat chunks are, or just how one goes about blowing them, but this game so far falls into the category of things that do exactly that. I dont know where I got the term, but it's what I apply to anything I hate enough. ...which is a really long list of stuff, actually. And if I want a GOOD game of that type, well... I know about a bazillion of THOSE, being that shmups or anything even remotely resembling one is the genre I"m most familiar with.

All in all, I'll be hoping to see this developer at some point completely crash and burn to the point of disbanding. Granted, I say that *often*, usually about Capcom, but still.


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18 Dec 2014, 11:28 am

You seem upset.


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18 Dec 2014, 7:50 pm

Humanaut wrote:
You seem upset.

Not really. I usually (okay, pretty much always) sound like that. There's alot of reasons why I call myself "Misery", and that's one of them. Were I genuinely agitated, it'd be very.... apparent.

Besides, I dont have even close to enough interest in the subject matter to get all wound up about it. For the most part, it's just yet another really damn stupid thing in the industry that I'll be ignoring the hell out of once my attention randomly shifts to something else.


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19 Dec 2014, 1:34 am

The developers and fans of this games are idiots. The developers are right wing, neo-nazi pieces of garbage who shame Poles with their stupid stances. The fans are idiots for wanting real life people to be put in the game to kill. The game is basically a mass murder simulator with no goal or plot. I put it in line with the Postal and Carmageddon games, utter shite that doesn't deserved to be called a game.


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19 Dec 2014, 1:43 am

You seem upset too.


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19 Dec 2014, 2:30 am

andrethemoogle wrote:
The developers and fans of this games are idiots. The developers are right wing, neo-nazi pieces of garbage who shame Poles with their stupid stances. The fans are idiots for wanting real life people to be put in the game to kill. The game is basically a mass murder simulator with no goal or plot. I put it in line with the Postal and Carmageddon games, utter shite that doesn't deserved to be called a game.

I wouldnt put too much stock into any of that right-wing & whatever stuff that the devs say. These guys have ONE tactic, and only one tactic, for selling their stupid game, which again is just to create as much chaos around it as possible to get it noticed.

These guys are the types of jerks that will say ANYTHING if it gets people all inflamed and such... something tells me that much of the stuff they say is a big pile of lies, simply designed to further this goal.

So damn stupid that any developer would sink so low as to do that sort of thing to sell a game. I have a much better idea, a tried and true method that has worked so well for so many developers ever since the earliest days of gaming: MAKE A GOOD GAME. I know. It's a mind-blowing idea, isnt it? Yet it can sell games, indeed it can.

Something tells me though that these guys wont be wrapping their minds around that concept anytime soon though.


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19 Dec 2014, 2:46 am

The only genuine hatred I've seen so far has been directed towards the game and its developers. Interesting.