AlanSmithee wrote:
From what I've heard, it'll lack even more features than WWE 2K15, so no thanks.
Yep. Willing to bet that it's missing a TON of stuff, is shallow, and STUFFED with microtransactions.
This is EA. The last few major games they've put out have been disappointments. Let's see... there's Simcity 2013, which is *AWFUL*, and utterly, completely, and in every possible way outdone by Cities: Skylines (put out by an indie developer!), there's the Sims 4, which has.... hardly any features, alot of stuff (like the open, go anywhere sort of world) outright removed that was in number 3, and the very, very obvious plan of releasing about 8 billion expansion packs (this has already begun) to fill in *some* of the missing content. Then there's also Battlefield Hardline, which many say "this is pretty much just a mod, why did I pay for this?".
Really, that everyone keeps diving into EA purchases after every monstrous disappointment they put out baffles me. They've become outright infamous for this. I keep warning friends to ***NOT*** pre-order Star Wars Battlefront, and to in fact wait till a bit after release to see how much of a disaster it turns out to be, BEFORE buying it (and then whining about it later). They wont listen of course. And then I'll hear the whining later.
....and laugh at them. Often.