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deep-techno Veteran
Joined: 7 Jan 2006Age: 33Gender: MalePosts: 1,080Location: Exeter, UK
I played it today on the DS with my friend today and it is an excellent game - the online play is just great. I want it.
Raph522 Veteran
Joined: 4 May 2006Gender: FemalePosts: 13,717
i heard it was good.. i am savi ng up for one (but i have a few things i need before I get what I want you say you liked the online play. Is there anything that you can do online that you can't do off.(not meaning w/ other people)
I'm not exactly sure - I think it's just the multiplayer gaming.
MagicMike Veteran
Joined: 29 May 2005Age: 38Gender: MalePosts: 536
The Single-player is forgettable. Online is the main reason to get this game.
The single player is good as well. I like the fact that the gun changes colours for each different type of ammo.
Teaorcoffee Butterfly
Joined: 18 Feb 2006Age: 38Gender: MalePosts: 17Location: Bonnie Scotland
I'm not too keen on the Adventure mode, but the multiplayer is good. I like playing against the Bots and Wi-Fi Friends mode. Is it me, or is Trace cheap? I haven't been on these forums for aaaaaages.
Trace is a result of the Counterstrike obsession with snipers. Simply put, he's nasty.