Bataar wrote:
Would you guys recommend it for someone who has not played any of the previous Witcher games? It looks good, but I'm not sure if I should get it or not since I'm not familiar with the universe at all. I know I wouldn't recommend someone jump in with Mass Effect 3 without at least playing ME2 and I'm currently playing Dragon Age Inquisition as my first Dragon Age game and am definitely thinking it would have been nice to have played the previous 2.
I'd go into it after playing the other games first. The combat I've always found incredibly weak, especially in the first one, but the world and characters are interesting.
As for Dragon Age, you should definitely start with Origins. It is by far the superior game in the series, even if it still has some minor flaws. Inquisition features major design flaws such as endless MMO style quests like fetch this or kill X number of Y mobs. Inquisition's combat is overly simplistic as well; you can button mash through all encounters and not think about what your other party members are doing at all.