zer0netgain wrote:
Who still buys games at Wal-Mart?
Amazon probably beats their price plus (most likely) free shipping if you buy more than $35 worth of stuff.
If it is MSRP, then physical retailer is the best way to go for most people.
In most states now you have to pay
shipping and
sales tax.
If it's an Amazon sale, then obviously it is better.
Doesn't Walmart have a rewards program?
I know Toys R Us, Gamestop, Meijer and Best Buy do.
This allows me to get many games and such at discount.
NewTime wrote:
Kmart recently quit selling video games. I went there a while ago and the game section had gotten smaller. Next time I went to Kmart after that they no longer had video games. Like with Walmart, most of their games were behind glass. Unlike with Walmart and Target, at Kmart there never seemed to be anyone who worked in the electronics department at all times. You'd always have to get someone because no one ever would be there. At the local Kmart, they just recently removed the cash register from the electronics section. There never really was anyone who worked there anyway.
Sears Holdings (Kmart and Sears) have been struggling financially, which caused them to miss payments to many of their distributors.
This caused the distributors to cut ties with them.
Something.... Weird... Something...