Anyone here play league of legends?

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13 Feb 2016, 2:06 am

Or any other games for that matter?

Personally, I love to play League of Legends even though it has its anger-provoking moments (as all online games are likely to cause, but this one in particular as it forces you to rely on four other morons). Would love to talk to some other people about some league of legends stuff if anyone here plays it.

Sea Gull
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13 Feb 2016, 5:03 am

Used too until i encountered french people and was put off. Then realized its a game that has little patience for people just learning *yeah somehow every lol player needs to automatically be a cyborg*

If your into league style games and want something different have a look at Fractured Space

Im like over there, somewhere.....


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15 Feb 2016, 3:44 am

used to play dota2. Everyone in my dorm played lol. took a look at that game, and it looked kinda sh***y. Couldn't see what was going on barely.


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15 Feb 2016, 10:32 am

I do play it but I havent been on there in awhile.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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17 Feb 2016, 10:53 pm

I play LoL. I've been playing off and on for a few years and I love the game but hate the community. When I do play, I always do ARAM because I encounter less elitist jerks that way. Also, if they find out I'm female that makes it even worse.

I do love the game itself though.


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18 Feb 2016, 2:28 pm

Mythryel wrote:
I play LoL. I've been playing off and on for a few years and I love the game but hate the community. When I do play, I always do ARAM because I encounter less elitist jerks that way. Also, if they find out I'm female that makes it even worse.

I do love the game itself though.

I think ARAM is fun because the games are shorter and I enjoy playing different champions. I am currently leveling up a smurf account and playing a lot of ARAM.


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18 Feb 2016, 3:03 pm

I enjoy it quite a bit, but yeah it does have trolls and some toxic jerks so it sucks getting one on your team since they can wreck the whole game, even worse if there is more than one on your team and everyones fighting over lanes. Whereas some other games it might not matter so much if you have a couple crappy attitude people and trolls.

Though it seems they are trying to do a better job of weeding out some of does seem like they vastly improved the reporting feature. Anyways I was never really into any multiplayer computer or video game before its the first one that's really kind of sucked me in that much. I certainly never paid for extra in game features before like different skins for the champions.

We won't go back.


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18 Feb 2016, 6:42 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
I certainly never paid for extra in game features before like different skins for the champions.

I must have spent a couple of hundred on skins in the past, the art style is amazing and I see it as supporting a game that I enjoy. Some people spend £10 a month playing an MMO and buy in game items on top of that.

They are providing a great service for free, Riot games have a great business model. I'm really enjoying the NA LCS on Twitch, another source of free entertainment.


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08 Mar 2016, 10:35 pm

I play. I have been playing since November of 2009... so I got in on the tail end of beta. My mains are Jungle Fid (main main), Top GP and Morde, Mid Fid and Morde, Adc Ashe and Caitlyn, Sup Taric. I was Plat 3 last season, but this season I had terrible promos and I am currently in Gold 3. I also really love ARAM, ABAM, and ADAM.

“In the same way that you see a flower in a field, it’s really the whole field that is flowering, because the flower couldn’t exist in that particular place without the special surroundings of the field; you only find flowers in surroundings that will support them. So in the same way, you only find human beings on a planet of this kind, with an atmosphere of this kind, with a temperature of this kind- supplied by a convenient neighboring star. And so, as the flower is a flowering of the field, I feel myself as a personing- a manning- a peopling of the whole universe. –In other words, I, like everything else in the universe, seem to be a center… a sort of vortex, at which the whole energy of the universe realizes itself- comes alive… an aperture through which the whole universe is conscious of itself. In other words, I go with it as a center to a circumference.”~ Alan Watts