So, what do you all do when waiting for any game release that you're really excited for?
Frankly, it drives me up the wall completely. I get obsessive over it as the date draws near. Usually, I'll play certain specific games that are good at keeping my mind offa things and passing time in general, and maybe watch some videos of the upcoming games being played, to continue learning about them.
Right now, this is Mario Maker, and Binding of Isaac Rebirth: Afterbirth for me. That's a really damn stupid title, when I read it now... Very, very excited for both of these... AND THEYRE NOT BLOODY OUT YET. Isaac in particular; the game is close to finished. But Edmund wont give a damn date, and I know Steam, which can be bizarre to work with if you're a developer, is being part of the reason right now (it can be difficult to fully nail down a SPECIFIC date on there, not to mention other issues with releasing something). At least the normal version of Rebirth absolutely holds my attention. And I'm liking having the Wii U's controller for it, so I can play in places that arent this damn chair.
But yeah, stuff like that makes me even more impatient than usual.
Any of you get like this at all? If so, what games have done it to you?
I try to play an older game to keep my mind busy, but it's hard to concentrate on any other depending on how excited I am for the one that will come out.
A weird fact is that I can't even try to distract with other new games when I'm in a complete state of obsession/anxiety with the one that will release, because everytime I did that I did not enjoy the game and ended up skipping very good ones (and only finding out that they were good later, when I finished the one I was excited for) because my mind couldn't like anything that wasn't that specific game that I wanted. I'm not sure if I expressed clearly here.
I used to get extremely impatient waiting for a game that I wanted. Now it's like I don't really care that much anymore, because I don't get too excited about games anymore. It used to drive me insane, and it was painful waiting for a game to come out. I was not happy until I got the game. There was nothing else I could do to relieve the pain. Now my focus is elsewhere, and it's another horrible obsession causing me much pain a lot like this, except different. It's like having an obsession with a game that probably will never exist... which was literally an obsession I used to have. I wanted a kind of game that blended certain elements of games I already liked, along with some other stuff, and I imagined it as the best game evarrr. TOO BAD! Doesn't exist! Kill myself? I mean... I was so bored, that it was like my insides were on fire! I never want to go back to that state of mind again...
i have learned to be resigned as to the release dates of games i very much want to see.
cities skylines was a suitable replacement and improvement over sim city 4, and i was resigned to sim city going off in the direction of simcity 2013 which was garbage.
i am waiting eagerly for GTA VI, far cry 5, red dead redemption 2, but they are probably still years away.
one thing i would like to see above all else is a new release of microsoft flight simulator in 64 bits (the last one (fsx) was released in 2006)) with google earth scenery and 3d areas as the terrain.
one day, it may be possible to drive in a simulator program through every street and alley and go anywhere on earth.
wow. just imagine having every road in every country photo real in front of you and you can drive anywhere to your hearts content. even get out of the car and walk and look around (like google earth street view but more polished and fluent). i do not think i will see that type of game in my lifetime.
another extention of the city building simulation games i would like to see is an earth simulator where you have all the land on earth at your disposal to develop, and as societies and cities grow with millions of inhabitants and millions of different unique buildings, you can zoom into anywhere and micromanage even down to the placement of a salt shaker on a families dinner table in bangladesh. not in my life time alas.
real time moving satellite coverage for google earth where you can see the actual goings on on the ground in real time. the next life if i have one i guess.
I hope you're not one of those people who constantly complain all over the internet that the game isn't out yet, especially on the developers Facebook page or something. Because if they released it as soon as people started to "WANT IT NOW!! !!", the game wouldn't be finished and would likely to be full of bugs and you'd just complain about that.
Nah, I'm one of those that complains about basically.... everything

But no, I dont want devs to rush things. I have, at this point, had alot of time to watch, assist with (testing, which is equal amounts "fun" and "shouting incoherantly at the monitor", followed by loooooong bug reports), and actively take part in development, and.... well, once you learn a bit about it from the perspective of those that are actually DOING it, you begin to get some ideas as to why even simpler games can take bloody forever, or get massively delayed. And you get to see what a rushed schedule does. That one is never good. I feel sorry for any dev that gets rushed by their publisher. Nintendo, of course, does not do this as far as I know (I'd be surprised to learn that they did!). But some of the others sure do.
Hell, the indie dev I deal with the most frequently, their current upcoming game was originally supposed to release in January. This isnt like, some massive-budget title here. But the concept development, engine stuff, rebalancing and all of that... in order to make a product of the quality they want, it's been delayed, over and over and over. It is still in development even now; the devs tell me that it'll probably release at the end of October. This all after it went through many major revisions; us testers are currently awaiting one of those for a certain mechanic before testing can really continue. It's a very complicated process.... and that's just an indie game. Imagine the loopy crap the big giant devs have to deal with!
I'm betting that alot of devs get just a BIT tired of people telling them to hurry up, or asking why a game takes so long to make (indie devs in particular get that one really often).
Or in the case of something like Five Nights at Freddy's, people telling them that it didnt take long enough (???)
In my case I"m mostly nocturnal in the middle of bloody nowhere with a whole lot of nothing to do, so there isnt much to distract me from whatever is bothering me at the time, unless I want to go walk around the Walmart or buy something for no good reason (sadly, I do both frequently). I dont work, either.
Yes, every time a new Pokemon game is on its way. It's also happened with Rune factory games. I'm now at an age where times flies though, so I pass the time busy with my other interests, and reading in the guide if it's released already.
BOLTZ 17/3 2012 - 12/11 2020
Beautiful, sweet, gentle, playful, loyal
simply the best and one of a kind
love you and miss you, dear boy
Stop the wolf kills! ... 3091429765
In my case I"m mostly nocturnal in the middle of bloody nowhere with a whole lot of nothing to do, so there isnt much to distract me from whatever is bothering me at the time, unless I want to go walk around the Walmart or buy something for no good reason (sadly, I do both frequently). I dont work, either.
Am a night owl too.
Thankfully my medication makes me a tad sleepy.
I personally cannot wait for Super Mario Maker to drop Friday with the amiibo.
Thankfully life gives me enough issues to keep me busy...
I must go dream about Super Mario Maker...!
Something.... Weird... Something...
I forgot to say that I also spend quite a bit of time searching for news and speculations about the game online
BOLTZ 17/3 2012 - 12/11 2020
Beautiful, sweet, gentle, playful, loyal
simply the best and one of a kind
love you and miss you, dear boy
Stop the wolf kills! ... 3091429765
In my case I"m mostly nocturnal in the middle of bloody nowhere with a whole lot of nothing to do, so there isnt much to distract me from whatever is bothering me at the time, unless I want to go walk around the Walmart or buy something for no good reason (sadly, I do both frequently). I dont work, either.
Am a night owl too.
Thankfully my medication makes me a tad sleepy.
I personally cannot wait for Super Mario Maker to drop Friday with the amiibo.
Thankfully life gives me enough issues to keep me busy...
I must go dream about Super Mario Maker...!
Aye, same here, that game really cant get here fast enough.
The only things I dont like from what I've seen is the whole 9-day unlocking process (though that's easily circumvented, it'll still be obnoxious), and the absolutely baffling lack of being able to search for things properly; or, so I hear anyway. I'd love for that one to be incorrect.
I'll probably do some random playing of levels right away, and then spend a bazillion years making a level very slowly. Having seen WAY too many drab, sparse, or downright uninteresting levels already, I'm determined to make ones that arent like that.
And that also arent obsessed over jumps of extreme precision. There's PLENTY of ways to create high difficulty without having to just resort to that over and over. Which is something I'm good at, is making difficult stuff without doing things like that. But the design process does take quite awhile. Though, it'll take dramatically less time to make levels in this game than it does in LBP.

Joined: 5 Jan 2010
Age: 51
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Location: Lost on Earth, waddya think?
The Sims 4 Spooky Stuff is coming out this Tuesday, I think. That's only two more sleeps, as the adults tell kids before Santa Claus arrives, but it feels more like two years.
I hope it's a free download like The Sims 4 Festive Stuff was. I can't wait to dress my Sims in spooky costumes they can wear all year round and not just at parties.
I don't worry about it anymore because I know the game will just sit on my shelf for a few years until I have time to play it
Unless it's something REALLY awesome, but they don't really make those kinds of games anymore.
I'd probably make time for a new Zelda game, though.
Well the technology is basically already there, but without a LOT of manpower, maybe some kind of crowdsourcing, the details would be nowhere near authentic. Even the most detailed satellite topography maps are only accurate down to 300 feet (IIRC).
Otherwise, if you wanted something a little more vague, like in Test Drive Unlimited, there's enough data out there to have a program procedurally generate most of it into something interactive.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...