MagicMike wrote:
The only problem is the AI never uses the tanks to shoot you...LAME.
Yeah, I thought that was weird; either the tank runs you over, or if it can't, the only crew member (driver) gets out and shoots you! That tank (in real life) has a crew of 4, and two .50 cal MGs, it could shred you! But I realized they had to tone it down, cuz that would just be too lethal, and no fun. Actually, I found the FBI that comes at 4 stars, to be much more challenging and dangerous... There's always 3 of them, and they are Fast and Extremely Aggressive.
But we're getting WAY ahead of things! if Graelwyn is just starting - dude, there are 100 storyline missions! That's like 30-some in each city. Not counting TONS of other stuff to do; they gradually open up things all throughout the game.
Until you beat the first mission, you cannot ...
Until you beat the second mission, you cannot ...
Until you beat the third mission, you cannot ...
A couple of missions is NOTHING in the grand scheme of this game... Just appreciate each new thing as it comes. They're gradually leading you on a long, long journey. Oh, and not to give anything away, but i wouldn't get too invested in gang turf wars until ... ... um, much later in the game. Oh, go ahead, it's a lot of fun. But, let me put it this way, later in the game when you go to San Fiero and then Venturas, you won't be focused on Los Santos turf... until you come back at the end of the game. [And you'll have better weapons then...]
I don't think it's too linear - later on, when most of it opens up to you, you'll have almost too many choices of what to do next. Really! I could start listing all the side missions, girlfriends, vehicle schools, ways of making money (not much at first) ... a full list would be too much. I think that's why they limit it at first.