Which one: Pokemon X and Y or Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby?
I think the title's pretty self explanatory, but here's my main indecision; I can't seem to make up my mind as to which of the version of the Pokemon games on the 3DS are worth my time (and hard-earned money). I would like X or Y because of it's character creator/customization and it's abundance of new features. But one of it's main shortcomings the (from what I've herd of a college in my university) the lack of end-game content (stuff to do after beating the game apart from trading and multiplayer battles). On the other hand we have Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire which are, of course, the remakes of the Gameboy Advance generation of Pokemon which I liked. Unlike X and Y it boast some actual end-game content as well as some potential DLC (is it out yet?). The only downside that I can see is the lack of the character creator/customization which, while I find it to be a huge setback and disappointment, I can cope with. I also heard that its main story campaign was rather short for a Pokemon game (around 20 hours or so), a department in which maybe X and Y might have the edge.
I also would like to know if I can trade and have multiplayer battles between Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and X and Y.
Pokemon nerds are welcome!
-Thomas Jefferson
It seems to me that there's lots of stuff to do after beating X and Y [Pokemon breeding, shiny hunting, catching rare Pokemon, and so forth], but I might be bias because I like X and Y better than OR and AS. It didn't take me that long to finish Omega Ruby; only twenty-thirty hours as opposed to in X, where I have over 60 hours and I still haven't beat the game yet.
Yes, X/Y and OR/AS can connect!
Yes, X/Y and OR/AS can connect!

Thank you so much!

-Thomas Jefferson
You're welcome! Did you know that you can roller skate in X/Y? It's a lot faster than running!
I've made several threads and no one replied at all. Oh well.

I've made several threads and no one replied at all. Oh well.

Sometimes, when I least expect it, I end up having replies to threads I made long ago!

Here's my first impressions with the types of vehicles you can use in Pokemon:
On foot = Too slow!
Using a bike = Too fast!

Using roller skates = Just right!

You sounded so cute when you said "Oh well". Come to think of it I sound really cute as well when I said the same thing.

Let Yveltal give you a hug!

-Thomas Jefferson
Here's my impressions of vehicles in X:
Walking = I NEED TO GO FASTER!! !
Running = Why do I have to hold B?!
Bicycle = I can't steer! [crashes into doors and buildings and people]
Roller Skates = Wahoo! Backflip!
Ryhorn or Mamoswine = Can't you go any faster than walking speed? I mean, really...
Here's a Skitty hug:
Walking = I NEED TO GO FASTER!! !
Running = Why do I have to hold B?!
Bicycle = I can't steer! [crashes into doors and buildings and people]
Roller Skates = Wahoo! Backflip!
Ryhorn or Mamoswine = Can't you go any faster than walking speed? I mean, really...
Here's a Skitty hug:

Here's one impression on a vehicle we've missed:
using a pokemon's "surf" move = Y'know this is actually kinda fun!

http://maidforge.com/wordpress/wp-conte ... _Alpha.png
Daww!! ! I love that picture already beacuse of the presense of the cute little Skitty you!! !

Also this would probably be me in the Pokemon universe!

-Thomas Jefferson
Last edited by The_Blonde_Alien on 10 Feb 2016, 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Oh, yeah! Surfing is fun [as long as you have enough Repels...*cough Tentacool cough* Diving is neat, too.
Hee-hee! It's snuggle Skitty time!
Yes, I can see you as May.
Guess what? I'm going to breed for shiny Ralts in X, and make a team full of three Gardevoir and three Gallade [hopefully I can get two shiny so I can Mega Evolve them! ]
Hee-hee! It's snuggle Skitty time!

Yes, I can see you as May.
Guess what? I'm going to breed for shiny Ralts in X, and make a team full of three Gardevoir and three Gallade [hopefully I can get two shiny so I can Mega Evolve them!

Kinda like the first short in this familar video: (around 00:12 to 00:22)
Come 'ere you my cute little best friend!

Actually I think I've already fallen in love with May's design!! !

How do you find Shinies?

-Thomas Jefferson
There's many different ways to find shinies: chain fishing, breeding a Pokemon with a Ditto that is from a different country, the Repel trick, and several others that I can't recall at the moment. I would say that breeding might be easiest.