Ever play games when you really don't feel like it?

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01 Nov 2014, 8:20 pm

That's the problem with some games where things (usually bad) happen when you don't play them. The Animal Crossing games with their weeds and cockroaches and animals asking where the heck you've been right down to the last second, which is creepy, or Neopets, where your creatures get extremely hungry and it takes forever to feed them back to a bloated state unless you're willing to spend a few real dollars on food from the NC store, or they may turn blue from or even invisible (when I think about all the NP I spent or being clever enough at the Caption Contest or just being plain lucky to get rare and cool paintbrushes) And then there's The Sims Freeplay, which I got for my new tablet last spring. The Sims' needs in it don't just decrease when you play, they decrease when you're NOT playing, and now they age too, and there's the pressure of trying to make them achieve their dreams before they get old and die so you can pass their Orbs on to future Sims. At least now I can send them to work or school any time I want, you used to have to send Sims to work at the Stadium really early in the morning and I nearly always slept over it. It's not like I don't enjoy the games, I do or I wouldn't be playing them, but sometimes I just don't feel like it but the guilt pressures me. I put off playing other games or activities (not my responsibilities like looking after my cats or food shopping) because they can wait, but my Sims need to eat or sleep or do their hobbies or have relationships. Of course when I told my mother about this she gave me the age-old reply "It's only a game".

That's right, it's only a game, where neglecting it could result in all my time and effort (and money on an allegedly FREE game) to get it the way it is going right down the proverbial potty. If I spent a lot of time and effort on a piece of artwork only for it to get ruined by accidentally spilling paint thinner all over it, people would find that a real shame, but when it's a game people still think it's a worthless waste of time. :roll:

Well, I'm sure I'll get tired of it eventually and won't be as addicted, but that will probably because something new to obsess over came along...


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01 Nov 2014, 8:34 pm

I sure am glad my car in rFactor doesn't rust when I don't drive it. :lol:

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01 Nov 2014, 11:23 pm

I play games when I don't feel like it because I remember how much fun I had playing games at a different time. When I think about it the whole thing makes me feel like an addict.

I'm playing a game and I'm bored. I'm not enjoying it at all but I keep playing because I associate games with fun and joy. That's the impression I got when I first played them and they were so much fun. I keep playing and things get old. Lately they get old really fast. They stop being fun but now I habitually play them because I associate games with fun. I don't move on to something else even though I'm not having fun anymore. The game is a disappointment but I keep playing expecting to have fun like I remember.

Then if I do stop playing a game for 4 or a 5 years it'll be fun again. It gets old but then when it's been so long it feels new again. I've gotten the most joy out of the N64 lately. I'll play a multiplayer game on the Xbox 360 compulsively and it's not fun at all but I have this compulsion because I remember it being fun. This will distract me from the old games long enough for them to become a distant memory. Once they're a distant memory there is so much nostalgia value and I haven't just played them yesterday so they feel like a game I haven't played before and a game I know so well at the same time.

I don't think this is relevant to what you were talking about but the assumption that something is automatically fun because it's a game screws me over a lot.


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02 Nov 2014, 2:53 am

lostonearth35 wrote:
That's the problem with some games where things (usually bad) happen when you don't play them. The Animal Crossing games with their weeds and cockroaches and animals asking where the heck you've been right down to the last second

Oh, I absolutely hate that aspect of Animal Crossing, it's so annoying! It makes me play it a little longer than I would have otherwise, but I haven't visited my Gamecube, Wii, or DS towns for years now, and my 3DS town since August. They're fun, but I do tire of them and need a break from time to time. The problem with them is that it is so little to do on a daily basis that doesn't get old real fast, so I put them off.

I don't play Neopets or Sims, but in the past I have been on two dragon sites where you had picked up eggs and hatched them, and on one of the sites you had to feed them. At first I did but at some point they went hungry more and more until I stopped going altogether. The dragons also preferred to have "friends" (friending other dragons on the site), which was a pain for someone like me. Last time I went back there, I saw the site was shut down. :(

The other site only allowed one dragon on the entire forum to have a specific name, which made it really hard to come up with anything. Once my eggs hatched (those that did, they needed a lot of views and some died as a result because just mine wasn't enough (what a pain for an aspie!). But when the dragons that did hatch reached adulthood there really wasn't much more to do there, so I went more seldom, until I stopped going there too. Last time I went back, all my dragons had lost their names, which killed the last of my motivation.

I can't even begin to say how much I prefer games I can just play on my own!! !! I don't see myself getting into any type of online game ever again.

The site that held my attention the longest was the Pokemon site I went to, but after a while I needed a break from that too, and I haven't been there in a long time. I'm also not happy about some changes they've done there. It made it harder to find some of the options and click Pokemon (they had to be clicked to be fed berries).

Yep, I did play it for a bit longer than I would have otherwise, but ultimately I stop. I will go back to AC, but I'll only play it for as long as it is fun and fresh for me. I'll just have to stomp out roaches and pull up weed when I go back. That's so annoying! It's a game, and I'll stop playing it and I'll reset without saving when I dang please, Rezetti!

I did complain about that aspect of AC to my mother, and she understood that perfectly and thought you should be able to put the game away without it having consequences. She didn't say a word about it only being a game, only I did that...

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02 Nov 2014, 11:46 am

lostonearth35 wrote:
The Animal Crossing games with their weeds and cockroaches and animals asking where the heck you've been right down to the last second...

I like the newest AC for 3DS, you can set your town to have the beautiful ordinance (or whatever it's called), and then you hardly ever have to worry about weeds.

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27 Mar 2016, 8:20 pm

Yes. A former friend wanted me to play G-senjou no Maou because he claimed the main female character was the best female main character ever, and said she was better than L from Death Note as a way to manipulate me to play this game. I didn't really think it was all that brilliant of a game and I actually thought the main character solved the important stuff throughout the whole game, not Haru. She was just perceptive, but I think the main character actually dove in to most of the important plot twists. I don't know it wasn't as deep as he claimed it was to me. I guess I found too much of it predictable and didn't enjoy it. The endings made him cry and I did not shed one tear. So then he had me try Saya No Uta for horror, and it did nothing for me. I'm pretty desensitized to 'scary games', the Dead Space books actually scare me way more than the games did.

Moral of the story, don't pick up a game because someone manipulates you and pushes your buttons in to trying to give a convincing argument as to why you should like something.

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28 Mar 2016, 12:51 am

Yes for a couple reasons:

1. Nothing better to do and I don't feel like staring a wall.

2. Punished for not playing/losing ranking. Especially with free to play games because you need to play every day.

I actually enjoyed games a lot when I was a kid, but as an adult it really feels like I should be doing something better with my time, but I don't know what that is supposed to be. I used to play a lot of RPGs, but now I play the popular games like Fallout, COD, etc. I think I enjoyed the RPGs more because you can play at your own pace. I think I'll pick one up as my next game to see if I like it more.


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14 Apr 2016, 2:21 am

Skilpadde wrote:
The site that held my attention the longest was the Pokemon site I went to, but after a while I needed a break from that too, and I haven't been there in a long time. I'm also not happy about some changes they've done there. It made it harder to find some of the options and click Pokemon (they had to be clicked to be fed berries).

This resurrected thread and post made me long for Global Pokedex Plus and I returned to the site yesterday. Why did I ever leave it?? (Rhetorical question). I figured out some of the new ways of doing things and now I'm hooked again. :heart:

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16 Apr 2016, 9:24 pm

I play Nintendo Badge Arcade because it's the only way to collect badges without paying and I get to do practice everyday and try and earn 10 to get a free play or hope I get a bonus to earn a free play. Sometimes the bunny gives out free plays.

I play Pokemon Shuffle because I get 500 coins a day for checking in and 1000 for every ten check ins. I also like to play levels to earn 30 coins and to level up my characters so I can use them for other levels and to do competitions to win a mega stone so my Pokemon can Mega evolve. Also they sometimes do Pokemon you play and it goes up a level every time you beat the level and you win prizes that way.

I play Pokemon Picross everyday and I do challenge to earn 9 picrites so I can use them to unlock stuff. I now have unlimited energy because I saved up to 400 to expand my energy bar to make it unlimited. Now I want to work on earning up to 500 to buy a mega pencil.

I play Miitomo everyday to earn ten points so I can get prizes from My Nintendo if they have any I like. I got Zelda Picross.

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16 Apr 2016, 9:43 pm

Animal Crossing!! ! My gamecube broke some years ago but I used to play this game religiously every single day, I remember every single aspect of my wondrous town it is always going on in the clockwork of my background thoughts, it's such a soothing and enchanting realm without even really doing much, it pervades your very bones! I really loved going down to the ocean and picking up shells even though I had enough bells to last sixty lifetimes I would send everyone a shell in the post and that idiot seagull who kept washing up on the beach cracked me up.


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16 Apr 2016, 9:56 pm

I'm not much of a game player. I usually end up playing Wooga's Jelly Splash when bored or waiting for someone on my iPhone. I deleted all my games, except that one, from both my iPhone and iPad, since I need all the space I can muster on both units (running iOS 9.3.1, with 16GB memory) for recording any live concerts I plan on attending at the local churches (usually with permission from the individual venue's (usually churches) music director. (Next time I upgrade these units, I'm going for at least 256GB.)