Lumi wrote:
Does anyone know of any that don't require real money in order to progress? I prefer anime, 'cute' environments, or detailed in-text environments. But player versus player and violence turn me away from what I can play. Since I have low-spec laptop and unable to buy a newer one, text rpgs appear about as close I can get to an immersive world, other than some browser games with not-heavy graphics. Any possible suggestions? I have an Android phone and tablet too.
Do you mean online ones, or are you also open to offline ones?
As far as online ones that are older, I know Meridian 59 is free, there's still a few people who play it. UO and EverQuest each have a "classic" fan-made server that's free, and a lot of people still play, but there is PVP to worry about. Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst I'm sure still has an English server up; the server is free, but I'm not sure about the game itself...I know my friends are playing PSO2 right now, there's an English patch for the PC version, but that might not run on your hardware.
As far as MUDs, I've been playing the original MUD lately, at There isn't really any PVP to worry about because the server is usually empty
Offline ones, there's a huge library to choose from. I bet you can run NES and SNES emulators just fine, lots of anime/cute environments there.
slenkar wrote:
DragonLance RPG's from the 80's got good reviews from people nowadays, but you have to download the manual etc.
Forgotten Realms, you mean =)
They come with all the manuals if you buy them from GoG: ... ection_twoI recently found a hard copy of the Archives manual (all 12 games), so I like that a lot better than the PDF my games came with.
I just need to figure out where I put my password wheels...
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...