mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
Video games are meant to be enjoyed. Hardcore, casual, why do people get so hung up on this dichotomy?
Because alot of gamers like to feel superior to other gamers, is why. So they can say that they are "hardcore" while anyone that they dont agree with is "casual". Or anyone that plays mobile games *sigh*.
Far as I'm concerned, those terms just deal with a game's difficulty. Casual = easy, hardcore = difficult. For really, REALLY difficult ones I just say "absurd". But those things have nothing to do with what type of gamer someone is.
I remember there was one developer..,. whose name I cant remember.... who said something like "There are casual Dark Souls players, and hardcore Candy Crush players... the terms can be applied in different ways like that, and in the end it doesnt matter".
But as long as people in the often-toxic gaming community have something they can use to feel superior to others, they'll do so.